If anyone should leave, it should be you.

I know.

I don’t want to disappear.

I know.

My fear and anger burn like dry tinder, reduced to nothing but ashes that will mix together forever. Once they’re gone, though, only one emotion remains.


I’m going to be trapped in this cage for the remainder of my human life, watching Aliana fall in love with four different monsters while I’m pushed to the wayside. It won’t be long until she forgets about me. And then, when death claims me and my body fades away and withers to dust, she and her monsters will remain.

A knife wedges in my chest, and it suddenly hurts to breathe past the tightness in my throat.

She won’t forget about you,Em says.I won’t let her.

You hate me.

I’ll admit that you’re growing on me…like a fungus. Or a tumor. Or mold.

Geez. Thanks.

What I’m trying to say, you overdramatic human, is that I may not hate you that much anymore.

A tiny grin unfurls on my lips.You can just admit that you like me, Emmy.

Don’t call me that.

You like me. Admit it, Emmy.

You know what? I changed my mind. I hate you, and as soon as I’m separated from your body, I’m going to kill you.

I snort out loud.Yeah, right. You’d miss me too much.

I’d miss— Wait. Did you hear that?Em’s mental voice turns anxious, and I strain my ears.

There, in the distance, farther down the tunnel, are voices.

And a strange retching sound that makes my blood run cold.

I’ve only read about this particular sound in books, but there’s no mistaking the distinct gurgling, clicking noise that permeates the dark tunnel.

Shit! They have a tracker!Panic laces Em’s voice.

Trackers are a type of monster that fall somewhere between being a tooth and being a tongue. They hold animalistic intelligence that far surpasses anything found in most teeth. Their long, angular faces are covered in pink pores, and they have huge antennae poking from the tops of their heads.

And as the name suggests, they’re fierce trackers, able to find anyone anywhere at any time.

Not a lot of research has been done on them—considering they’re thought to be extinct—but I was once told that the pores on their heads provide electromagnetic sensing that can somehow latch on to a person or monster. The trackermustsee their target in person, at least once, and then they’ll be able to track him or her anywhere in the world.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

They found us.Em’s voice is uncharacteristically grim.

I thought trackers were extinct?

From what I gathered, the tongues became terrified that one tooth would gain too much power and not have enough intelligence to handle it. And if another tongue were to get their hands on a tracker? It would be chaos—no one would be safe in the cases of grudges and revenge, which are both common occurrences in the monster world.