After all, what’s more depraved and malevolent than a human murderer? A monstrous one.

The individual cells have been made into barracks for my rapidly growing army, and the warden’s office has become my very own throne room.

These foolish, idiotic monsters believe I’m eliminating the power structure once and for all—the system that sees monsters moving up in ranks with every life they take.

But you can’t change evolution.

We werebornto kill and maim and destroy. It’s in our blood, chiseled onto our souls, written in the motherfucking stars. It’s who we are meant to be.

The Terrors have been in power for far too long, and it’s time someone took them—what’s that saying?—down a peg. Yes, we need to take them down a peg.

If I would’ve known what my bastard son would become, I would’ve murdered him when he was an infant. Alas, fatherhood had made me soft andsentimental.I allowed the fucker to live, unaware of the formidable creature he would turn into with time.

The Terrors aren’t just at the top of the food chain because of the power they procured over the years. I’d bet my life that I killed more monsters and humans than all four of them combined.

What makes them powerful is the mere fact that they’re nearly impossible to kill—a revelation that sluices in my stomach like acidic candy, even after all these years.

It was why we kidnapped the Empty Man in the first place. My monsters had one job and one job alone—to figure out how to kill a creature who’s already dead.

Honestly, it’s such a menial task. All of their complaints that it’s “too hard” and “impossible” are bullshit.

Nothing is impossible.

So how do I kill four monsters who are basically immortal?

The Grotesque has skin as hard as stone, making it nearly impenetrable. There are rocks that have been around for millions of years. Apparently, even heat can’t damage him. Only a damn meteorite will destroy him.

The Devourer may have fleshy skin, but he’s strong and fast and ruthless in a fight. His strength and endurance are staggering. He could be stabbed twelve times and still fight like he hasn’t been injured. Annoying pest.

And then there’s mybelovedson. The Creeper.

The bastard is too damn fast and stealthy for me to kill.

Now, if there was a way for me to remove his ability to portal…

“Sir. Mishika is here, as requested.” My second-in-command moves to keep pace with me, his back perfectly straight and his attention fixed straight ahead.

Tennious has been with me for years now, having reached out after the Devourer destroyed his home. The monster is tall and broad, with snow-white hair styled away from his aristocratic features and a sharp jawline. His humanoid features are juxtaposed by his sharp, triangular ears, scaled arms, and clawed hands.

“Yes, perfect. Thank you, my old friend.” I clap Tennious on the shoulder, but his impassive expression doesn’t waver.

He simply nods once and then walks away to grab me the girl.

Ah. I love a monster who knows his place in the world—under my heel, inferior to me. And Tennious is most certainly that monster.

Probably why he’s one of the only creatures I consider a friend.

The warden’s office is large and spacious, with walls painted eggshell white and varnished floorboards. A huge mahogany desk dominates the center of the room, with a high-backed leather chair behind it. When I initially chose the prison as my new home, my workers offered to completely redecorate the office to make it more…homey.

I refused.

I want tofeellike a warden of the before times.


