Brett, on his back, giggles and holds a plastic sword in the air.

“For-ard, Daddy!” He grabs at my mate’s long hair and gives it a tug.

I laugh softly at my son’s attempt to say “forward.”

Dev stalks forward with a smile, and Maddi squeals, racing from her hiding place towards the living room.

“Yaw! Horsey! Yaw!” Brett tugs at Dev’s hair yet again, and with another roar, Dev takes off after our giggling daughter.

“Dinner will be ready in an hour!” I call after them, but of course, no one responds. “Just what game are they playing this time around?” I ask no one in particular.

But it’s Em who answers, exiting the kitchen with a red welt on his cheek. He touches his skin tentatively with a grimace.

“Knights and princesses. Maddi is an escaped princess, and Brett is the knight in charge of bringing her home. Dev is the steed, obviously.”

I pull away from Creep to walk towards Em. I touch his reddened skin gingerly. “And what were you supposed to be?”

“I was the dragon,” he confesses with a cocky smile. “They killed me, but I put up one hell of a fight.”

“I can see that.”

He’ll definitely have a bruise on his cheek, but it’ll heal in time.

Turning to face the room at large, I ask, “Shouldn't we be teaching our childrennotto hit people?”

Warm arms wrap around me, and I know immediately this touch is from Chase. Don’t ask me how I can tell the difference between him and Em. I won’t be able to tell you. A part of me can differentiate between the two men as if they’re separate beings, not one body with two souls.

“They’re monsters, my love,” Chase whispers, biting down on my earlobe. “Let them be.”

My stomach begins to flutter like mad. Even after all of this time, my mates are still able to elicit a visceral reaction from me.

They all look exactly the same as they did when I first met them. Even Chase hasn’t aged, a feat I’m immensely grateful for. Em was right. As long as he’s in Chase’s body, my cocky human will never age, never die.

I’ll be able to have him forever, along with my other mates.

It’s every dream I never hoped to have wrapped up into one immaculate package.

“Enough about the children!” Creep throws his arms up in the air dramatically. “We have a crisis here!”

“Crisis?” Tesq asks, leaning against the doorframe.

In his arms is our youngest child, Illy—named after the grandma she never got to know. Illy has her thumb in her mouth as she sleeps peacefully, her long lashes sooty twigs against her chubby cheeks. She’s the world’s most adorable two-year-old.

I desperately want to take my baby from Tesq and give her all the snuggles, but she looks so peaceful that I don’t want to disturb her.

Illy’s black hair curls around her angelic face and nearly hides her ivory horns from view. We can’t tell yet who she’ll take after, but if I had to hazard a guess, I would say she’s Tesq’s biological daughter.

“Aliana here doesn’t think she’s desirable enough for sexy times with her pregnant belly!” Creep declares dramatically.

I roll my eyes. “I didnotsay that.”

“It was implied,” Creep counters.

“Don’t go putting words in my mouth.”

“So you’re okay with some pregnant sexy times?” Em’s fingers brush across the back of my neck, and I shiver, goose bumps peppering both of my arms.

“I didn’t say that either.” I purse my lips. “I’m so freaking big that I can’t even bend. All I do is lie there like a beach ball?—”