Page 25 of Wrong Bride

The cowboy, dressed in all black, stood on the sidewalk outside her door, a stark contrast to the bright sunshine that poured over him. He looked as out of place as a snowman in the desert.

From behind him a woman stepped out of the car and linked arms with her cowboy, all smiles and red silky hair that spilleddown the back of a perfectly flowy sundress draped over a gorgeous body made for Hollywood.


And just like that, all the stars in Juniper’s eyes faded to dull little clusters of dashed dreams. Of course he had a fiancée, silly. After all, why else would they be here? The cosmos got it all twisted up. She wanted love and got the perfect man but who was already taken.

Careful what you wish for, Juniper.

Oh, well. She could at least dream.

As the car that dropped them off pulled away, she caught sight of a poof of blonde hair and then there she was. Stacey Banners with a handful of brochures and crossing the street on pencil-thin stilettos.

Juniper narrowed her eyes into tiny slits. What the hell? She gasped. She wouldn’t. Would she?

Let her step in a manhole and fall to the center of the earth.

Juniper scowled and bent a little for a better view out the front windows.

For real? Had the woman no shame?

Her side of the street meant her client.

Perched at the top of the stairs Juniper held her breath as she looked on in horror.

He took the brochure.

“Please don’t go. Please don’t go.” Juniper squeezed her eyes closed and chanted.

Action. She needed to take action. But what? Just because they looked like a newly engaged couple didn’t mean they were. How would it look if she dashed outside and tried to steal them back to her side? She could already see the headlines:


Her stomach tied in knots and her breath froze in her chest.

He turned her way.

Did her silver lining just regain its shine? Things were looking up.

Juniper straightened and waited for what felt like a century before the tips of his boots came into view through the window from where she stood.

Clutching the railing, she willed him to put one foot in front of the other. “That’s right, come this way, Mr. Perfect. You want to walk through my door, baby,” Juniper whispered a little breathlessly.

Her heart went from flat-lining to OMG territory. Her little wish this morning worked! She wouldn’t have to let her workers go or close shop after all. Maybe she didn’t want to stare at that particular silver lining too closely for risk of losing it all together.

She danced in a circle, fist-pumping the air. “Oh yeah! Take that, Ms. Stacey Banners.”

“Hello, ma’am. I’m Marshall Blackwood.”

All male. Deep, rich, and all sensually Southern and her body liked it. A lot.

She startled at the sound of the baritone voice that made her think of late summer night walks along the river and smooth whiskey. She calmed and hoped he hadn’t witnessed her little jig. After a couple of breaths, she turned on her heel.

He’d moved faster than she had anticipated and she somehow missed the jingle of the bell overtop her door. Those long legs of his ate up the distance and now there he stood. In her shop. Looking her square in the eyes.

Clean-shaven, strong-looking jaw, lush, thick lashes made to make a woman jealous and her favorite part of a man—shoulders that looked broad enough to carry the world. Or just her world.

Funny thing. That little detail came in at number four on her list.