Page 36 of Wrong Bride

She’d failed, but she could not fail in keeping her hand and lips to herself.

She reached into her bag for the second planner she’d pulled together last night.

Her heart sank. “Oh no! I have the wrong one.” She flipped through the pages, recognizing her own plans from her binder and groaned. “I’m sorry I have the wrong planner. I must have grabbed mine by mistake. Marshall looked at her and then down at the blue binder she’d grabbed instead of the purple one.

“You’re getting married?” He looked between her and the binder with a petrified look.

“Uh, no. It’s a long story, but no, no wedding bells in my future yet.”

He nodded, not saying anything for a moment but she caught the hint of relief all the same.

What the hell did that mean?

“I’m sure we can figure this out. What can I do to help? Do you recall enough from the other notes and planner? Anything I can give you feedback on?”

All good questions.

He took a sip of his coffee. When he moved to replace the cup, she reached for hers and the back of their fingers brushed.

Funny thing, hearts. Hers did not dance. It full out did a two-step that glided straight into a tango.

Her gaze dashed to his. He watched her intently and she couldn’t help but notice the way his brows raised a fraction with the same surprise she felt. Or at least that was what she read.

Juniper pulled her hand back and went for the bear claw instead. She had no business here. She should let Callie take this over while she handled everything else on their plate. It was obvious she couldn’t be in the same room, let alone at the same table with this man and not get jittery like a romantic novice.

He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at her like he had something to say but thought twice about it. He’d done that in the car too, right before answering his phone.

“You look adorable when you do that.”

“Do what,” she asked, canting her head to the side a fraction.

“This little thing with your mouth when you bite at your upper lip.”

Juniper thought on that a minute as she let a sugar-induced lust take over her taste buds. She dusted off her fingertips. “You know. You puzzle me, too.” Since they were being honest, she saw no harm in stating her own observations. “Every time I look at you it’s like you have a secret or something.” She played with the napkin in her hand. “I don’t know. It’s none of my business and maybe I’m crazy.”

Understatement of the year, she chided herself with a mental eye roll. Crazy only began to graze the surface. Because for a moment back at the counter a strange feeling of calm had settled over her. As though she belonged right there at that moment with Marshall.

See. Crazy. “That’s one thing. Another is when I look at you your eyes give a sense of calm, trust even. Actually, I see it happen to anyone around you. You give off this vibe like everything will miraculously work out. I know I’m not the only one that notices it.”

She pushed on when he said nothing.

“While the set of your shoulders and the funny tic in your jaw makes me…”

She cut herself off with a slight shrug. “I’m sorry. I’m babbling. Which isn’t really like me, I swear. I’ve never been good at reading body language. It’s like Latin and Greek rolled into one for me.”

“Makes you what, Juniper.” He drew the words with a small, quizzical smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He stretchedhis large frame out in the chair and she had mental flashes of crawling up his body and wrapping herself around him.

Wow, the man’s sex appeal was potent. She had to shake off the effect he had on her. She was a professional!


Loud, energetic barking tipped her off but not quickly enough. Distracted by Marshall and their talk, Juniper failed to see the dog bounding her way. Her planner toppled to the floor and papers scattered. Marshall helped her collect the papers as feminine voice carried over the bakery.

Juniper turned to see a former client, all smiles heading her way.

“Oh, no. Juniper, I’m so sorry. Down. Bad dog.”

“Don’t worry about it, he’s just happy.” Juniper reached out and scratched the happy golden retriever’s furry head.