Page 10 of Sovereign

"Mr. Romanov,” I begin. “I am here for another purpose. I needed to speak to you and came here out of desperation.”

Still scowling, he rounds the desk. I’m faintly aware of the scent of pine and leather. I watch him pull out the chair and fold himself into it withsurprising grace.

“You have thirty seconds.”



I speak faster, telling him my purpose in a rush of words. “I’ve uncovered a ring of powerful and influential people who’ve committed unspeakable atrocities. They’ve infiltrated even the highest levels of authority. I need the help of someone who operates outside the reach of the law.” I lick my lips and swallow. “Someone like you, sir.”

Mikhail Romanov regards me with a cold, calculating gaze as the fingers of one hand come to rest on the desk. I notice the blunt tip of each finger and tattoos on his knuckles. The havoc he could wreak with hands like those…

"Why should I help you?" he snaps.

I lean in and hold his gaze with every ounce of bravery I can muster. “No onecan out-code me. I will work for you and all I ask in return is that you grant me safety and sanctuary.”

Mikhail leans back in his chair, his stony expression hardening.

“What makes you think I need you?”

I can’t help it. Tears spring to my eyes. I blink them away, but he doesn’t miss them. “I'm out of options. Please, Mr. Romanov, help me. I promise you won’t regret it.”

“A woman like you is smart enough to know that I don't give a fuck about your cybersecurity bullshit." He gives a derisive look toward my ample chest as if implying he has a lot more use for my body than my brain.

The nerve.

I snap my teeth together. I didn't really expect a meeting with Mikhail Romanov to exactly go swimmingly, but I wasn't quite prepared for this level of dickheadedness. I wish I could slap his beautiful face or at least tell him off, but that’s way too risky.

I clench my teeth together. "A friend of mine suggested I come here. I've uncovered information that puts every major institution in America at risk. Your enemies, sir.”

He narrows his eyes to slits. “You have no fucking idea who my enemies are.” My pulse spikes. I will myself not to shrink back. "So you were fucking around in places you never should have been.” His voice takes on a tone of mockery. “The big bad guys found out, and now they want to punish you.” He shrugs. "Fair. If you'd hacked intomyorganization the punishment would be swift and severe.”

Oh no.

He sneers. “Though I have to admit, I’d thoroughly relish punishing a woman like you.”

It takes every effort of self-control to school my features. I feel too hot and too cold and for some reason, a little dizzy.

I swallow. And still, I press on. I can’t give up. “I know what I'm asking you is a tall order, but I also know that you're the only person that can actually do this.” I’m starting to feel desperate. “Please. I’m crashing on my friend’s couch, in hiding. And Ipromiseyou if you hire me, you’ll be happy you did.”

He shakes his head. I try not to cry.

"I told you. I have no use for your skills. It's not my fault you trespassed where you don’t belong.” He dismisses me with a wave of his hand. “Get the hell out of my office." He turns backto his paperwork and doesn't look up when he speaks again. “Oh, and before you leave? A word of advice.”

My cheeks flame with embarrassment as he continues. “Never, ever wear your hair like that in front of a man like me, and especially not when you’re being tracked. No ponytails. No buns.”

My hand flies to the thick bun at the nape of my neck. I thought I looked sophisticated.

“My – hair?” I ask haltingly.

He leans on his forearm and gestures for me to step closer with a crooked finger. Against everything in me that tells me not to, I lean in.

“It’s too easy for someone to reach out”— he gestures to the air in front of him — “and grab it.” He makes a fist so suddenly, I jump back, my heartbeat threatening to choke me. “And once you were caught in their grip…” He shrugs. “They could do anything they wanted to do to you.”

One last lingering gaze skates over my neck to my chest and all the way down the length of my body.

“Now go.” He turns away. "If you're still in here in ten seconds, I'll give you a personal escort out of my office. And just so we’re clear.” He snaps his gaze back to mine. “If you ever fuck around with me again, you’ll deal with me personally. I promise you, you don’t want that to happen.”