Page 14 of Sovereign

"Leave her alone."

"Leave her alone? What are you talking about? We're just here for a little visit. I wondered if there was an invitation somewhere along the line that I've missed?"

I make a fist. “If you hurt her, old man…”

“Mikhail,” my mother says gently. “You’re too distrusting, son. We’re just having dinner. Come see me this weekend, will you?”

I close my eyes briefly. I can see her now. The matriarch of our family, strong yet graceful, sitting upright with her impeccable posture. People call her a timeless beauty, but it’s her indomitable strength they truly admire. Her decisions are made with a blend of intuition, wisdom, and strategic foresight.

Now, though. Now that my father’s gone, I value her input, but final decisions rest with me.

“Of course we’ll have dinner,” I tell her. “Though I’m arranging for you to come to me. I have a surprise for you.”

I can practically feel Volkov’s tension.

“Oh, excellent,” she says with a smile. “I love surprises.”

I get a text from my assistant, Chantelle.

We have your information, sir.

I nod to Aleks to open the door.

“This weekend,” I promise her.

“What’s this weekend?” a higher-pitched, clear feminine voice sounds on the line. Polina.

I can hear the contempt in her voice when she addresses Volkov. “Oh. Who letyouin?”

I blow out a breath and speak loud enough for all to hear.

“My wedding,sestrichka.”



I wakefrom what feels like the deepest sleep of my life with a start.

Where am I? I blink at shadowed furniture and drawn shades. Tatiana’s living room. I’m still fully clothed, my glasses askew. I must’ve fallen asleep on her couch. How strange. I never do that.

It was quite a day, though.

I push my glasses back on right and stumble to my feet. Last night, I came back to Tatiana’s and told her everything. She assured me we’d find another way, but I could tell she was nervous. I don’t blame her, really. I basically put a big ol’ target on her residence.

I knew I had to find another place to go since she’s at risk now that I’ve outed myself like an idiot to the Romanovs.

We had a drink together…and I guess I fell asleep.

Disoriented and bleary-eyed, I drag myself to the guest room, strip down to a tank and panties, then brush my teeth and splash water on my face before I turn and face-plant onto the bed.

I close my eyes, but memories of that truly embarrassing interaction with Mikhail Romanov plague me. I can still see his cold, calculating gaze. His heavy hands, resting casually on the desk, marked in ink. I can still smell the scent of pine and leather, unapologetically masculine. If I ever smell that scent again, I’ll forever see large, calloused, inked hands resting on a gleaming desk. Hands that have no doubt committed unspeakable crimes.

Then why can’t I stop thinking about them? Abouthim?

I can’t shake the feeling that Mikhail Romanov is a man that would stop at nothing to get what he wants.

And then the sharp, cold way he dismissed me like I was dirt on the bottom of his shoe. I told myself it was only business, but I’m still not truly immune to the biting sting of rejection. I guess that’s something you don’t outgrow.