I roll my eyes. “Been rescuing nails, have you?”

Annie squeaks. “You know them?” she hisses and edges closer to me. Her shirt brushes my forearm, and I reach out and pat her hand.

“I can’t help it. It’s in my nature to save the poor little things. So, dinner? Hi, Annie, it’s lovely to see you again.” He’s so charming, with that wide, open smile.

Annie gapes at him. I can see the old cogs in her mind starting to whir as she looks between him and me.

“I am not staying for dinner. I have…carpets to wash.” My protests only make Jet smile wider.

Annie elbows me. “Don’t be rude.”

Jet laughs and moves even closer, pressing up in my space. “Alpha, you look stunning today, and Annie, you look divine. We’re really grateful for the groceries and how kind you are delivering them.”

I snort but eye the second man, finally allowing my attention to slip to him. Every self-preservation instinct rises, the hair on my neck lifts, I get a quiver in my lower spine. He’s not as tall, but power just drips off him. He makes my stomach flip. Worse yet, I want to lift my chin and submit to him. His eyes on me linger like a physical touch. I can only think of a handful of times I’ve been this hyper aware of another being and never with just eye contact. I think I recognise him, but I’m not sure. His light brown hair is swept back, and his eyes are a pure grey, the colour of a stormy sky. I don’t think he blinks as he stares at me, as he assesses me.

“I’ll drive her home.” Jet purrs to Annie.

She giggles and nods enthusiastically. Well, the ice is officially broken, and Annie just defected to the other side. I don’t know whether to be amused or offended.

I scowl harder and find my eyes drawn to the trees where the huge alpha has reappeared and is watching intently. I think I’m being tested, like how the male alpha packs would try to flush out my weaknesses in the city. But this is subtle and confusing, and I’m not sure how I’m measuring up.

Yeah, I’m a different breed, boys. Saddle up because I will not cower.

“Fine, that would be pleasant. I accept your invitation.” There is nothing they can read in the polite answer, no scent of distress. I am a fortress.

Annie squeaks and claps her hands. “Oh, you boys are just so nice. You have to come to town soon and meet everyone.”

I watch Annie with a half smile, unsure if she knows what she just sold me out for.

Jet, damn him, beams and gestures to the house. “My lady.”

“No, I have to bring these inside.” I elbow my way past him.

“Acton will handle that.”

He reaches for me again, but I sidestep and bend, picking up one of the delivery boxes.

Annie protests. “They’re heavy, Scarlet.”

“Annie, it will be fine. Will you be all right getting home?” I watch her absent-mindedly pat her silver hair and smile up at Jet.

She nods mutely at me and flaps her hand. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

I turn back and raise a brow. “Where’s the kitchen then? Let’s get this put away.”

Jet laughs while his friend scowls. But both of them pick up boxes, and we move together towards the house. Annie drives her truck out of the yard, leaning on the horn the whole time.

“That’s Taylor.” Jet whispers from way too close to my ear.

I glance at the man who’s still staring at me and nod sharply. “Nice to meet you, Taylor.”

He nods back and looks away. I can’t tell if he hates me and wants me gone or hates me and wants me dead. But I can feel his stare like a physical caress. Taylor is one of the most intense people I think I’ve ever met.

As soon as Annie disappears, the huge man reappears in front of me like magic. I back up a step; he follows, matching me stride for stride.

My pulse hammers, and all I can do is stare into his blue eyes. Thick chestnut hair cut close to his head, with a full beard trimmed short and muscles that go on and on and on. Fuck me, he is beautiful. Butterflies flutter in my stomach, and it takes a monumental effort to keep the bored, polite expression on my face.
