“You. I want you.”
“And?” He reaches around, his fingers digging into my stomach, moving down over my mound.
“Barren, Jet, Acton, Taylor.” At this moment in time, they’re probably the only names I’ll ever be able to remember. All I can think about is how good his cock is and the pooling pleasure as he slams into me over and over.
“I’m yours.”
He laughs, but it’s a dark, triumphant sound. His fingers find my clit, and he squeezes hard. I cum with a scream, tightening around him. He thrusts into me twice more, and I feel his release pour into me. His forearms strain as he claws at the granite slab.
Then I feel something strange. My eyes widen.
“Oh, fuck!” Gold whispers.
My body locks on him, too. I’ve locked an alpha. He moves just a little, and we both groan at the incredible sensations it sets off.
I hear Gold laugh. Dark, evil, and joyful, and I realise I’m down for it. I clench around him, and when he growls, I smile and look at him over my shoulder.
“Bad girl,” he hisses and grips my hair, slams his mouth on mine, and thrusts us both into another orgasm.
She’s so small leaning against me, soft in a way that Barren isn’t. There’s a distinct smell in the air when we’re all together that brings a contentment I hadn’t known was possible. Bar’s eyes are laughing again. He’s telling jokes. Jet is flirting and moving with energy. Gold smiled at me this morning. Actually smiled. And even Taylor feels calm when she’s around.
I run my thumb across the small expanse of skin that’s exposed above her jeans. She glances over her shoulder at me, her eyes sparkling. I tried to stay away from her; I tried to back off, but I couldn’t. It’d be easier to cut off my own arm than stay away, so like a moth drawn to light, I find myself orbiting around her.
I’m okay with that. My phone rings, and I use my free hand to pull it out to answer the call. I listen and grunt an affirmative.
Taylor is frozen with a coffee cup halfway to his lips, a question on his face.
“My parents are coming to visit. I’m glad this isn’t another one of those prank calls. I had twelve yesterday.”
Taylor goes still. He frowns and then nods. “All right, let’s have a barbecue for dinner then.”
Jet springs forward and grabs Scarlet out of my reach. “We give her our gift now.”
Taylor frowns again and eases towards the door. He’s been retreating a lot lately. Avoiding us and her. I can see and feel through the bond how much he wants her. I’m not sure why he’s fighting it, but I’m going to have to start pressing him soon and find out what’s holding him back.
Bar’s excitement pulls at me. But not today. Taylor can wait.
“All right, lead on, children.” I stand up as Bar, Jet, and Gold stalk through the house, leading a protesting, laughing Scarlet. I follow behind, admiring the way she moves. Strong and sure, confidently. Even when I know she’s not, she still appears completely in control.
Bar opens the door and tugs her into the room. “Surprise.”
We all follow her into the space as she looks around. The room has minimal furniture, a couch on one side. An enormous desk in front of the windows that takes up most of one wall.
She looks so politely confused that I laugh softly. “This room is for you, however you wish to decorate it, but we all noticed how much you like to work in the light and be close to the gardens. So, we’re giving you a space.”
She stares at me, and I see vulnerability flicker across her face before she smiles. “Really? You guys did this for me?”
Bar grabs her face and mashes a kiss on her lips. “Acton did most of it, but we helped. Look, we moved your favourite paintings. And here, a hidden fridge for snacks or drinks. And this couch,” Bar frowns, then looks back at her and waggles his eyebrows, “dibs on christening it first.”
“Dibs on the desk,” Jet growls.
“I’ve got the windows,” Gold says calmly and leans his hip on the desk.