So, that’s what happiness sounds like.
I try to hang back, following the pack from behind, but Jet grabs my hand and pulls me up to the middle of the group. I try to tug my hand free, but he keeps a tight hold.
“What do you want to do now?” Acton asks Bar with an indulgent smile.
I glance around at them. I feel utterly ridiculous. Jet had appeared bright and early, gone through my closet, and picked out a dress I've never worn. It's a short spring dress that has a tight bodice, pushing my breasts up high, and flares out at the waist, stopping mid-thigh.
It's white. With yellow sunflowers printed on it.
I feel like I’m a reincarnated 1950’s housewife. I wear black. Power skirts and shirts. Dresses are slinky black numbers that scream fuck off. Jeans or hoodies. I don't wear this. Cute and feminine is not me.
And I'd been about to lay down the law, absolutely, unequivocally tell him no, when he turned around and lost the ability to speak.
My thighs had clenched, and my stomach had fluttered madly. All because he looked at me like that. I’m still stewing over it.
The festival is in full swing, booths on the side of each road, people walking around and laughing. Apparently, a lot of people come from miles around.
We’ve listened to live bands, and Taylor bought everyone matching T-shirts. The sun’s going to set soon, and there’ll be fireworks.
I’ve never experienced a day like this. One of the pack stays with me constantly, they are free with their touching. Including me in everything. Even Taylor and Gold seem to have pulled a truce today.
I’ve been avoiding Taylor, though, still embarrassed by my behaviour and his set down. I side-eye the cool alpha who has his hands in his pockets and is rocking back on his heels. He’s in a jacket and slacks with a white shirt today and looks just as delicious as any other day. I just once want to see him rumpled.
The smell of homemade pancakes and icing sugar fills the air, and I moan as my stomach growls. Three pairs of eyes pin me instantly.
“I’ll get you some!” Acton says and trots to the booth.
Barren leans in close. “He can’t keep his eyes off you.”
I flick a look between him and his alpha. “I don't think-“
“Oh, Bar’s right, he can’t stop staring, and neither can I. You look amazing, but then you always do.”
I turn to Jet as he places his hands on my hips and drags me close to him. He presses closer to me and inhales.
Barren and Gold are talking and start shoving each other playfully. I watch with my heart threatening to choke me. I haven’t seen this version of Gold in a long time.
Jet inhales sharply. His whole demeanour changes, going alert and dangerous for a second before he exhales and brushes it aside. He takes seven steps away from me, frantically scanning.
“Stay here,” Jet says while he scans.
“Gold, stay with Scarlet.” Jet shouts, letting me go, and grabs Bar and Acton's arms, dragging them off. While Taylor rushes into the crowd, following someone.
Fingers touch my arm, sending warm tingles radiating from the spot. I know who it is without needing to look. His scent envelops me. Even if he hates me now, it still feels like a warm blanket. Like home.
“Stay here.” Gold spits tersely.
“Gold, what’s going on?”
“Not now Scarlet. This is none of your business.”
I recoil, but he’s not even looking.