I rub my aching eyes and try to banish the feelings that are whirling around inside me.
“I don’t want to hurt anyone.” I explain softly.
“I can see that. You are the most in control alpha I’ve ever met.”
“Are you going to tell the others?”
He looks up at the manor and shakes his head. The lights glow from the inside of the house. I catch a flicker of movement in the tree line, but when I look harder, I can’t see anything.
“No, I’m not. I trust you, Scarlet, even though I can see you don't quite trust yourself.”
He moves quickly, shifting so his thigh is pressed against mine. He puts an arm around me and draws me to his chest. I close my eyes, allowing myself to breathe in the coffee scent of him, the warmth of his body, to feel the crisp fabric of his shirt.
I mean to push him away, I really do, but I end up holding on, burying my face in his chest and clinging like he’s my lifeline.
“Thank you.” I whisper.
When I pull away, he stands up, his finger trailing over my shoulder. “I’ll see you inside.”
“Acton…” I call out.
He turns back. The night hides his features, but my heart thumps hard in my chest all the same. My mouth goes dry. He looks incredible, huge and strong and safe. I want to follow him, put my hand back in his. But…I remember him pulling away, and I change what I was going to say.
I clear my throat. “I appreciate this. I promise you, I won’t hurt anyone.”
“I know you won’t, Scarlet.” Acton says softly. “You are exceptional.” The words hit the air between us, and then he’s gone.
The bugs sing their songs, the sun vanishes, and the night gets cold. I shiver. The edginess isn’t going away.
Had Taylor’s challenge started this? No, it was there in the kitchen when I claimed my food. I frown and think until my brain aches, but I still end up icy cold and stumbling back to the house with no answers.
I go into the kitchen hoping to find a hot drink and find Bar pushing Gold.
“Where is she?” He shouts loud enough that I think the entire house probably heard.
“She’s gone. Bar, we can go see her tomorrow.”
“Bring her back!”
He sounds hysterical, panicked. Afraid. Why is he afraid that I’m not here?
“Tomorrow,” Gold soothes.
Bar throws himself away from Gold and freezes when we come face to face.
“Where were you!” He howls and leaps forward, snatching me off my feet.
I’d been bracing for a blow, but the unexpected embrace stuns me into an even deeper silence. I look at Gold over his shoulder, noting the surprise, the shock on his face.
“Where were you?” Barren asks in a softer voice that sounds suspiciously like he’s crying.
I don’t want him to cry. That makes me hurt inside. I hug him back tightly, trying to reassure him wordlessly.
I clear my throat. “In the gazebo.”
“I was sitting in the gazebo.” I say with my cheeks burning. “I just lost track of time.” There is no way I’m telling him that I was fighting off a rut.