Sigh. This has got to stop.


The woman looks up, meets my eyes, immediately drops them, fumbles the block of cheese, and winces.

“Annie.” I say again with a little extra bite.

She looks up and really looks. “Oh, my gawd!”

Finally, I’ve been to five different stores today, and everyone has responded in a similar way. I’m not going to spend my life here living with wincing betas.

“You’re Scarlet!”

My smile’s wide as flashes of my youth tear through my mind. She even says my name with the same accent Gran used. “I am. I came home to stay for a while.”

“Oh, Alba is going to shit a brick when I tell her. I can’t believe it, and look at you, so grown up and an alpha.” Her eyes widen as she realises what she’s said.

I just laugh. “You’re taking it better than my father did.”

Her eyes widen again, a chuckle exploding out of her. “He never did approve of Kay.”

I think of my grandmother with her wicked twinkle in her eyes. “He doesn’t approve of me, either.”

“Well, who cares? Welcome back to June Haven, Scarlet Waring. I cannot believe my eyes. Hell surely did freeze over.”

I smile politely back. “Thanks. It’s good to be home.”

“You must be staying up in the cottage. I’m sure it needs work. I can get you the numbers of some of the boys. We have electricians, plumbers, carpenters. The town has grown since you’ve been gone.”

“I noticed that today. Three extra streets?”

“Twelve now.” She puffs her chest up proudly.

“I saw there’s someone living in the manor, too?” I ask while I unload my trolley.

“Oh, yes. My, you haven’t heard, have you? Well, why would you, of course? There’s a pack now. They don't socialise much and are so reclusive and mysterious, but all five of them are so handsome.”

I frown. A pack? I’m strangely disappointed and annoyed. This is my territory.

“Hmm. Well, hopefully I won’t have to deal with them at all.”

“Oh, I’m sure you won’t even see them, dear. They rarely even come into town, having most of their purchases driven up there.”

I snort. “Waste of money.”

Annie smirks. “You sound just like your Gran. Oh, we missed her when she left us. Bit kooky, but she had a heart of pure gold.”

I smile and nod, not wanting to get into this discussion. I decide to steer the conversation back to safer waters. “Do you know where I can purchase any pillows and blankets? The ones at the cottage are old and have a few holes eaten out of them.”

“Oh, yes. There’s a new store, it’s an artsy type store, but they make the best blankets and pillows.”

“I wouldn’t have thought they’d make much profit selling that here.”

“Oh, they don't. But they sell online, I believe.”

She hunts around and finds a business card. I glance at it. Comfort Art. Not very creative, but distinctive. I pocket the card and continue chatting to Annie while she rings up the bill.

Then I take the shopping to my car, put it all in, and look around for the store. I spot it instantly. The town is so small I can look up and down the main street and only see a dozen stores or so. A car passes, and the occupants rubber neck in an effort to get a better look at me. I ignore them.