“Gold.” Barren purrs. “Tell me you have good news.”

“You need to come home.” I say calmly.

“No, we can’t-“ Barren snaps furiously.

“Taylor needs the pack. Leave Jet there and come back with Acton.” I speak firmly, allowing no arguments.

Barren snarls. I close my eyes. We damaged our relationships, we damaged our trust in each other. It’s going to take time to repair it.

I growl back louder. “I know what I’m asking. But I’m telling you that we are going to lose Taylor if you guys don't get back here. He’s not well.”

I wait, the tension between us rising and falling before he yields. I don’t even need to see him, knowing all his moods and fluctuations. All his sounds, all his movements. Even on the phone.

“We’ll be there in two hours.” Barren says. I can hear the trace of a tremble in his voice.

“I’ll be waiting.”

I hang up the phone and put it in my pocket.

“Taylor, you need to sleep,” I snap when he walks past me. I grab his arm. He shakes me off, but I snatch his shoulders and shove him against the wall. He’s so not himself that he doesn’t even fight me, just sags and blinks at the floor blindly.

“I can’t, I have to-“

“No. You need to sleep. To eat.” I growl.

He shakes his head. “I’m so close.”


“No.” He shakes his head. “I did this.”

I blink at him. Shocked “What?”

“I did this to us. I didn’t see her for what she was. I allowed it to unfold. I wasn’t the protector you all needed.”

“Who? Scarlet?” I ask, confused.

“No! I’ve always seen Scarlet for who she was, even when I first saw her years ago, I knew she was pack!” He cries out. “No, I’m talking about Merry. I didn’t see her as a threat. I failed everyone.”

“Horse shit. We all didn’t see through her fakery.”

“But I let it, I allowed it.” Taylor throws himself at me, gripping my shoulders.

“It was a pack decision!” I shout at him. “We’re all responsible.”

He growls, but it lacks the command it normally has.

I don’t know what’s happening here. But with each day of failures, Taylor has been devolving. I press against him, wrapping my arms around him and burying my nose in his throat.

“We made decisions. Do you think I didn’t blame myself for not sensing what they were doing earlier? I got hurt, but I was there. I should have fought harder, more. I should have stopped them, died rather than let-“

Taylor lifts his arms, wrapping me tight in a hug that makes my bones creak. He buries his face in my neck, shuddering.

“Not your fault.” He whispers.

“And not yours, either.” I say back. “They were bad people, and they fooled everyone.”

“I should have told you.”