My phone rings, and I lift it to my ear. “What?”

Taylor’s snarl crosses the line. “Where are you?”

“I followed her.”

Taylor pauses. “Where are you?” He asks again with less aggression and more curiosity. Desperation.

“Silver Falls.”

“The city? She really left?” Taylor sounds crushed.

I grunt in affirmation as I watch a light on the second floor go off.

“Barren is losing his shit.” Taylor explains after a long moment. “She left a note explaining that she didn’t want to hurt us or him by forcing him to choose. He hasn’t let anyone see it, but he’s not doing well, Acton.”

“So, tell him to get his act together and start packing.” I snap. “I sat back, and I’ve tried to do the right thing, but I will not compromise on this. We need her. I need her. I’m not coming back without her.” The pressure eases as soon as I say the words. They feel right.

Taylor pauses. “We can’t find Art and Merry.”

I hesitate. How much can I say? “You won’t.”

“Acton you don't understand-“

“Taylor, you won’t.”

There’s a long, pregnant pause. “You took care-“

“No.” I growl.

Taylor swears quietly. “Jet and Gold are fine, cuts and scrapes, Bar is bruised.”

“But?” I ask, knowing that it’s silently there and already bracing myself for something I don’t want to hear.

“But we need to find where their stuff is, get rid of it. Make sure it’s all safe.”

My mouth falls open as his words sink in. There was a huge manhunt for them after the attack, there are still people looking for them. The worst case scenario is that Detectives come and arrest one of the pack, or worse, Scarlet. My mind races as I think through the consequences.

No one knows they’re here. We can control this. Contain it. But still, I need to hear the command from my alpha.

I slam my hand on the steering wheel and let out a growl. “Say it with words, Taylor, or fuck off.”

“You have to wait.”

I hate him for saying it. I hate him for daring to say it to me. After everything I’ve seen today. After everything she gave up for us. She needs us. Not tomorrow. She needs us now.

“Find it fast.” I snarl into the phone and hang up.

I drive aimlessly through the neighbourhood. The events of the day going through my mind.

The drugs were still in my body, making my mind fuzzy, but I still found myself following a scent that woke such yearnings it was all I could see. It wasn’t until I was kneeling on a pile of displaced dirt with the scent of blood and this chocolate alpha scent soaking the air that my mind returned. And I knew, I knew I was kneeling on a grave. I knew what she’d done for us, and I knew I was never going to let her get away.

It took me the blink of an eye to track her to the gazebo, I listened to her words and she stole another part of my heart. I’d been too late to save her, to save them, thanks to the drugs, but now I’m here, maybe I can save something after all.

My resolve had grown with each word. And then I’d understood her plan. She really was leaving us. I wanted to leap out and stop her, but the status of Gold was in question. I didn’t know how Jet was coping. Taylor would be a mess.

My mind raced with thoughts, but only one answer came. Of course, there was only one. I’m going with her. The sacrifices she’s made for us. The things she’s been willing to do for us. We were just strangers. She had no reason to help us. But she did. Then to do this? We don’t deserve her.

But we’re going to try. I’m going to try and be worthy of her.