I find Art grunting as he bends down, picking up wood to join the bundle under his arm. He will protect her into the next world. I can’t sense anything evil about this alpha, he’s just fucked up. I wish I could save him, but I won’t risk my pack. This has been going on too long.

I slip my hand into the back of my skirt, pulling the cold metal out. My fingers curl around it easily, and I lift the heavy weight until it’s aimed straight at its target.

“Hey, Art?”

He turns his eyes, leveling on the gun. I want to think I see some kind of relief in his eyes as I pull the trigger. He drops instantly, a flower of red blooming on his forehead.

I should feel something, but I feel nothing. At all.

A couple of minutes later, I return to the clearing and beam at the insane stalker in front of me. She hurt Barren. Sixteen stab wounds. A year of nightmares and paranoia. Fear of his heats, fear of himself. Gold with scars all over his beautiful body. The look of terror and rage in his eyes. Jet, Taylor, and Acton desperately trying to hold their pack together, lost in the dark.

No more. Not for one more second.

“Do you know what I hate?” I ask coldly.

She laughs. “I have no idea. But I love you. We’re going to be together forever. We’ll find more alphas, lots of them, as many as we can collect.”

Like pets or rocks. A slither of disgust breaks through my icy rage.

“No, you won’t.”

“You can’t say no to me.”

“I can.”

“You can’t, you're my alpha.”

“No, I’m not not. And you're not my omega.”

“No. You can’t say that.” She jumps off the rock and darts around the clearing, but she’s panicked and can’t remember where we are. “Art! Art!”

“He’s not coming.”

She stops and draws herself up, glaring at me with hatred.

“You’ve been stalking them. You were in the house. You even set fire to the manor.” I shake my head.

“I made them so scared. I punished them for leaving me. No where was safe. Art and I were their shadows, in and out. Out and in. They are mine! That omega stole them from me!” She howls, and with a savage scream, she throws herself towards me.

God, she’s faster than I would have thought. The gun I’ve had in my hands goes flying. I spot the knife just before it slices into my stomach and catch her arm, twisting it behind her.

“Do you want to know something?” I snarl down at her, grinding her wrist until her bones threaten to break. “Barren is my omega. That is my pack. You hurt him.”

She freezes. “No, I, he stole…”

“You can’t steal what isn’t yours. We belong to him. I belong to him.”

“No! They’re mine. You’re mine.”

I laugh coldly in her twisted face. There’s no shred of the beautiful omega left. Finally, she’s seeing the danger of what Alphas really are. We aren’t just collectables for her happiness. We are deadly weapons.

“No, they’re mine. Those are my Alphas. And I’m going to kill Barren and take them back.”

She lifts her free arm up to my side, and I see the second knife. I have no way of stopping the attack.

She’s quicker than I thought. Faster.

I grind the wrist I have in my hands, and she screams just as the knife plunges into my thigh.