Part of it is that strange alpha and the scent of flowers. If there’s a threat to my omega, I can’t leave. I’ve become a one track hunter, patrolling and searching for any sign of my quarry.

On a trip into town, I catch sight of Annie and stop to chat with her. She pulls me into the back of the shop and puts the kettle on. We sit in two chairs at a circular table that’s covered in a tablecloth with purple roses. I trace the outline of one aimlessly.

“You’re leaving?” Annie says before I can say a thing.

I nod and refuse to look at her.

“Has it got something to do with that pack? Did they hurt you?”

“Of course not.” More than you will ever know. “I just have to go back for business. I’m hoping to come back more often, though.”

Annie stares at me, searching my face. “You fell in love.”

I swallow and drop my eyes, unable to meet hers. Those roses become really fascinating. “Didn’t even think I was capable of it, to be honest.”

“Aw, sweetheart.”

She puts her arms around me and hugs me. Her warm, buttery scent makes me feel safe. I’d love nothing more than to put my head on her shoulder and cry, but I can’t allow myself to relax my guard.

“Running isn’t going to help. The feelings will still be there.”

“But if I don't see them, maybe I can move on?” I ask hopefully.

“The heart will heal with time. All the distance in the world won’t matter in here.” She taps her chest.

I close my eyes. “Can you do me a favour?”

Annie smiles knowingly. Her eyes crinkle at the side, and I can tell she was a great beauty when she was in her prime. “I’ll watch over them for you.”

“Thanks, Annie.”

“Is there anything I can do for you?” She asks me, covering one of my hands with hers.

I shake my head.

“When do you leave?”

“In seven days.”

“So soon?”

“No point waiting around. I find myself going to where I might see them, turning into a stalker. I don’t like this version of myself.”

Annie pats my shoulder as the bell on the door rings. “Stay right there. I’ll be back.”

I sit there and sip the coffee she placed before me when I get a hint of floral. My brain blanks, and then I remember where I’ve smelled it before. In the kitchen during Barren’s heat.

Fury rises to the surface. I set the cup down with a soft click and stand up. I drift closer to the scent, nudging the door open.

On the other side, I catch sight of a stunning blonde. She’s short and petite, everything an omega should be. I don’t even need the off-putting floral scent to tell her designation. She’s the poster child for what the world thinks omegas should be, the polar opposite to Barren. I hate her on sight.

“I’m looking for the woman who came in here?” She has a high, nasal voice like a child’s. Pouty and annoying.

Annie’s face twitches, and she shakes her head. “She left.”

The omega frowns and tugs at her lace sleeves. “She said she’d meet me here.” She puts a whine in her voice, and Annie stiffens.

A huge alpha blocks my view of the two of them. Wet leaves irritate my nose. That explains why I’ve had a hard time tracking him.