I feel them rather than see them.

I turn and find a wall of alphas. All of them look serious and angry.

“Bar, go wait in the kitchen.”

“No, I-“

“Go wait in the kitchen,” Taylor barks at me.

I can’t stop my body from obeying his command, but I fight it. I try. I cling to her hand, but she pulls back, twisting out of my grip.

Then she lunges forward, and I think she’s going to stop them. But she kisses me deeply, then pulls back to stare at my face.

“I love you so much. Don’t you dare forget that.”

And she lets me go.



I stare after Barren until he’s gone. My eyes feasting on him because Barren’s behaviour gives me a bad feeling. Then and only then do I turn back to the alphas. There’s a feeling of distance. It’s too much like the way my old pack got rid of me, except I know this one will say the words I don’t want to hear, the words that will cripple me. A slight tremble works its way through my body.

There’s something in the air. A hostility, a coldness. Dread marches in its wake. Their eyes are shuttered. Jet has a cruel smile on his lips. Acton folds his arms across his chest. Gold sneers at me. I ignore all of them and focus on Taylor. He takes his time acknowledging me. With each passing moment, my shoulders tense, waiting for the blow. When he does finally look at me, I know I’ve made a huge error.

“Bar is back. His heat went well.” Taylor nods as if appraising my performance. I can’t help it, I bristle. A feral haze covers my eyes, but I force it back.

“So you’d like me to just leave?” I snap, going on the defensive straight away.

“Yes. Our arrangement is over.” Taylor adjusts his jacket, not even deigning to look at me.

“I have four more days.” I grit out roughly.

“Bar doesn’t need you.” The words hit me like a sledgehammer, breaking through the anger into the deep, dark, vulnerable side of me that I keep hidden.

“Taylor, how can you say that?” I breathe through the pain, feeling like I’ve been physically hit. “Yes, he does.” It’s my heart that cries that out. I look from one to the other. They are resolute, granite. “He loves me. He needs me.” I’m pleading, insisting. I don’t think I’ve ever begged before.

“And that is unfortunate. But we can’t have a female alpha in our pack. You just don’t bring anything worth investing into to the table. We have money, plenty of alphas, our omega is loved, cherished. You simply aren’t needed, and we have an image, an expectation to uphold.” Taylor’s words cut through me like the sharpest blade.

I reel back from him. His words smashing into me, going straight through my walls and landing fatal blows. “You don’t mean that.”

“Yes, I do. It was fun while it lasted, but all good things come to an end, and we need to end this before our omega ends up with an unhealthy attachment to you.”

“A real notch on the bedpost,” Acton says blandly. His words are a slap in the face, a complete and utter betrayal. I glare at him, unwilling to let the whine or the growl out and let him see how badly those words cut. “You were an okay fuck. I’d give you a pass.”

“You think I’m a fucking conquest?” I murmur, shocked.

Acton closes his eyes briefly and jerks his head up and down. “Just something to do to pass the time.”

“Or revenge, in my case.” Gold purrs. “I’ve spent years thinking about how I’d fuck you up.”

I stare at him like I’ve never seen him before in my life. “Gold, please? You don’t mean that.” My words are a whisper, but they echo in my mind.

“You left me,” Gold snarls, his face contorts in a hostile sneer.

My mouth opens, but no words come out. I’m suddenly aware of the red of the carpet, the feel of Barren’s cum between my legs. Suddenly, being naked seems too vulnerable. I turn and reach for my dress, pulling it on.

My eyes find Jet. He yawns. “Seriously, can you just leave? Can’t you see there’s no place for you. Not in our pack. Not in anyone’s. Go back to your cabin and wait for a damn fairy tale, it's pathetic. You were the easiest game I’ve ever played.” There’s no kindness in his eyes. They are merciless chips of green and gold.