“You can touch me.” There’s a hint of a laugh and a dare in his voice.

“I’m okay.” I struggle to get the words out.

“Really?” He teases and picks up my ponytail. “That’s sad.” He rolls it around his hand until I’ve got nowhere to go. I look up at him cautiously. He frowns and crouches beside me. “I’d give anything to take that sad look out of your eyes.”

My stomach flips. I search his eyes, finding nothing but concern.

“I’m not sad.” I whisper.

“Maybe you don’t know you're sad,” Jet murmurs and brushes a kiss across my lips. “But I see the way you look at them, like it’s beautiful and precious and breaking your heart.”

I shift away, and my hair comes free. “It’s not. I just, you all seem really nice. I like you guys,” fuck, why did I say that, “I mean as friends.”

Jet smiles and presses his lips to my bare thigh. “Did I mention today that I like this dress, friend?”

I gape at him as his fingers slide up my bare flesh, dipping to ghost over my inner thighs before retreating.

Neither of us hears Taylor until he grabs Jet by the back of the neck and hauls him backwards.

“Sub in.”

Jet grumbles but runs out to the play area. I look up, following his path, and find the other three watching me. My cheeks heat, and I look down at my trembling fingers. I’m so far out of my depth, I can’t even see the sides of the pool anymore.

“Are you scared?”

I glance at Taylor, surprised. “No. Why?”

“You’re shaking.”

I press my lips together and watch Gold tackle Jet to the ground.

“I’m not scared.” I’m on edge, I’m jittery, I’m in a state of near constant arousal being so close to all of you.

Taylor frowns. “The Winter Festival starts tomorrow. Apparently, we will all be attending. That includes you, too, now. If I have to suffer, so do you.”

I grin. “If my suffering lessens yours, I’ll be happy.”

His eyes narrow, and he reaches down, running a finger just under the neckline of my dress.



“I’m making a list of things I need to buy.”

I can barely think. It’s innocent, well not entirely, but he’s not touching anything risqué, and yet, this feels so intimate.

He leans down, pressing his mouth to my ear. I expect him to say something, but all he does is bite down on the shell of my ear before standing up and walking off. I twist in the seat to watch him go. I fan my fiery face and squirm in my seat for a few minutes before standing up and wandering back to the gazebo.

I’m only there for a minute before Bar grabs me around the waist and nuzzles my neck. I look up and find Gold watching from a distance. He looks torn. I’m tired of fighting him. I just want it to stop now. So, I take Bar’s hand and tug him back to the game.

As soon as we get to the grass, Bar sticks a leg out, pulls me off balance, and drops us both to the ground. I lay there, stunned, as he cackles gleefully.

“Why am I on the grass-“

I barely get the words out before he grips my thigh, pulling it up around his waist and thrusts against me, hard.

I groan and squeeze my eyes closed. My reaction is instant, a blaze of glorious fire so good it hurts. It’s not enough. I’m burning. All I can smell is oranges. Mine. The edge of madness dances along my mind. The unhealthy rage of an alpha wanting to take what is hers.