I nod, but I’m looking around at anything but him. “There are five of you?”
“Yeah.” I wait but realise he’s not going to say anymore. My cheeks burn, and I’m having trouble finding that confident woman I claim to be.
“Well, it was nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by, but I really have to, uh-“
“Trying to say I've worn out my welcome?” He’s laughing at me. My body flushes.
I snarl and cross my arms over my chest, falling back into the role I used when I worked in the city. “Time is money. I do appreciate your help, but I’ve got to keep moving.”
“Ah, I see.” He rubs his index finger along his chin, not at all hiding his smile. “Come to dinner.”
I frown. “Absolutely not.” I say before I can think.
He laughs out loud. “Come meet the pack. It’s not often we get visitors up here.”
“I’m busy. Please accept my apologies.”
“I won’t.” He smirks. “All right, come tomorrow, during the day. We can have brunch.”
“I can’t, I have to…” I look around and spot the wall, “paint the outside of the cottage before the weather changes.”
We both eye the wall. It needs painting badly.
“I see. When are you free?”
“Never,” I mutter under my breath, but judging from the amused smile, he heard me loud and clear.
“All right, I concede defeat. I’ll leave you to your work.”
I nod with relief and wave at him until he disappears. Only then do I let my legs collapse and slump to the ground. I feel strangely disappointed. First, that he gave up so easily, and then, when I remember the orange scent on him.
He’s not mine. They aren’t mine. They never can be.
Let it go and move on.
“Be the wolf.”
A tap at the window pulls a shriek from me, and I spin, almost knocking over all the light fixtures I have piled up drying.
“Annie!” I smile widely, relieved to see a non-threatening life-form. She’s still wearing slightly baggy jeans, but now she’s wearing a white polo top with the June Haven logo.
“Hi, Scarlet. I’m sorry, but I was wondering if I could borrow you for a few hours?” She gives me her best smile, almost nails the puppy dog eyes, too. My guard goes up instantly. “August broke his ankle, so I’m doing deliveries, and I just can’t manage all of it on my own. I've asked everyone…”
“But?” I ask for her as she trails off, peering around her in interest.
“Wow, the place looks great. You’ve really cleaned it up nice.”
“Annie?” I prompt.
“Well, they’re afraid. Not like terrified, but there’s a rumour of shouting and fights, and they are alphas.”
My mind is blank for a moment too long.
“Pack Knight.” Annie prompts. She pats her hair down and then snatches up my hand. “They’re just a bunch of nice alphas. They won’t do anything, but…”
I hold my hands up, “Whoa, whoa, whoa. I can’t go there.” With a high-pitched laugh, I pace away from her.
“Please, it’s in and out. I wouldn’t ask, but we need the money. Please? You’re an alpha, but you’re our alpha.”