I see the comprehension on Gold’s face before the others realise what we’ve done. Not just I, we. We did this to her.
“We made her a target.” Gold breathes. He drops to his knees, hyperventilating. “So we move, we keep them safe.”
“We can’t keep running.” I say softly. “There’s nowhere to go.”
“Yes, we damn well fucking can!” Gold roars and throws himself at me. I don’t even try to duck the hit. I deserve it. My cheek explodes with pain, but I let my chair keep me upright.
“There’s only one way we can save her.” I say calmly, keeping my voice low. “She needs to go. The arrangement is over. She’s done her part and fixed Bar, so now we need to make her leave.”
“You cold, unfeeling monster!” Gold roars. He picks up the paperweight and throws it through the window. “I won’t do it.”
“Then she dies.” I say calmly. “Is that what you want? Them both dead. We can save Bar if we’re totally focused on him. We can’t save them both. You know how smart she is.”
Movement at the doorway. I seize my chance. Hope is like a lightning drug racing through my veins.
“She doesn’t have a pack bond. It will be easy to drive her off. She will move on and find someone else and get on with her life, and we will just be a memory.”
I watch the shadow until it vanishes. Please, please let it work. Please. Come on baby, you can do it.
“How the fuck do you think she’s going to believe anything we say to her? She will see through it.” Jet growls.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this angry.
“She will if we hurt her enough.” I say with regret. “We know how to hurt her and drive her away. To save her, we’re going to reject her.”
Gold pales. “Taylor, no!”
“We can’t do that to her.” Acton says quietly. “She’d never forgive us.”
I stand up and open the bond for the first time in months, letting them feel all my pain, fear, and love. “I’d rather she hates us forever and is alive than that she’s dead because of us.”
Gold sobs but nods. Finally. “Fine, but we have to kill this bitch this time. I can’t take it anymore. And when this is over, she’s ours. We find her, and we make her forgive us.”
Acton puts a hand over his eyes. I think I see tears on his cheek, but eventually, he turns and nods.
Jet is the last to hold out, rage vibrating through him. He stares at me like I’m a stranger. “I’ll never forgive you for this.”
“Neither will I.” I say softly.
They’re going to take her away. She’s mine. She’s my alpha. I’m not complete without her. The panic ripples through me, becoming bigger and more frantic. I almost fall down the stairs. I pause, glance back, listening to make sure they aren’t coming. I can’t let them take her. She’s mine. Fucking mine. A red haze crosses over my eyes.
I see another woman trying to take what’s mine.
Another omega. Her claws in my skin. Her scent all over me. She’s touching him. Trying to get him hard. No! My scream is filled with rage and pain. I throw myself at her, only to be caught by the alpha. He holds me easily. I stare into furious, terrified whiskey eyes and scream through the bonds. Where are they?
She talks, I don’t hear anything. My heat is leaving. The fog fading. Terror and fear hold me still. I’m pushed up against a wall and something stabs into me. I scream. Again and again. It keeps going until all I can see is red, and I’m weak. Gold is howling with rage. Sobbing as he fights the chains that hold him.
Where are they?
I snarl, enraged, but I don’t smell omega; I smell alpha.
She’s sitting on my chest, her head cocked to the side with a worried frown. She buries her nose in my neck and inhales.
“Breathe, baby.”