“Do his heats normally last this many days?”

“No. But he hasn’t had one for a long time,” Taylor says. “Not since the attack.”

“You must be worried.”

“Yes. It’s been stressful. I guess. I don't want to sleep.”

I glance at him, seeing his exhaustion. “Taylor, sleep. I’ll stay awake, and anything that comes, I’ll destroy it. I won’t even touch anyone while you’re out.”

He glances at me and considers it.

“If you aren’t going to, at least lie down.”

He snorts and lays down but grips my arm and pulls me with him. I land on my back and roll into his side.

“You’re very intuitive, War.”

“Observant. It came from shitty parents and a few years on the streets.”

“Is that where you met Missy?”

I hesitate. I want to ask him how he knows about her, but I don’t.

“No, I met Darion, Sebastian, and Lukas Raptore on the streets. We helped each other over the years. They introduced me to their omega.”

“Ah. So just acquaintances.”

I smile into his shoulder. “Yes, just acquaintances. Darion is far too bossy, and Lukas is pure chaos. Seb’s the only one I can tolerate without wanting to murder them.”

“You did well. To achieve what you did.”

“Thanks. You did, too.”

“You think?”

“A pack with successful careers who are good people who love each other, yeah Taylor, you’re doing well.”

He yawns, and I lean in closer and throw an arm over his waist.

“Don’t let anyone hurt my pack, War.”

“I won’t, I promise.”

“I’ll just sleep for a few minutes.” He yawns again, and within minutes, his breathing evens out. I stare at him. In sleep, he looks younger, less harsh. He truly is beautiful. I stroke his cheek and feel my eyes burn. He trusted me to sleep in my arms. That’s gotta mean something, right?

Gold staggers over to us and blinks. “How’d you get him to sleep?”

“I promised to kill all his enemies.”

“He never sleeps during heats.” Gold says and lays down beside me, cuddling close. Jet, Barren, and Acton curl up on the other side of Taylor.

The pack falls asleep and, for the first time in days, there’s silence in the nest. But I lay there listening intently to the sounds of the house. Refusing to sleep because Taylor asked me to do something, and I want to do it well.

Sure, that’s the only reason I’m doing it.

It couldn’t be because all of these alphas and that omega have gotten past the barriers and have wormed deeply inside my soul?

I push all the questions and doubts aside and focus on keeping myself awake while I wait for them to wake up.