I need to salvage this situation. It’s going south too quickly. I smile and move to the enticing female alpha, placing a hand low on her spine. She lets out a soft warning growl that causes my cock to jump. I lift my hand off her slowly and give her a heated look.
“So you know Gold, but have you met Barren?”
I put my palm back on her lower back and add a bit of pressure, leading her closer to the others. Gold inhales when she gets close, and I see his eyes dilate, although he’s not otherwise reacting. I know our omega’s reaction. I had a very interesting conversation with Acton after their walk.
“You’re an alpha?” Gold almost shouts.
She lifts her chin and glares at him. “As if I could have been anything else.”
Gold mutters something and then shakes his head.
“Barren,” the alpha almost purrs. It’s one of the sexiest sounds I’ve ever heard. He inhales deeply, his eyes still locked on her heart-shaped face and the pretty pink that stains her angular cheekbones. The plump curve of her lips curls when she smiles, seemingly unaffected by the thick tension in the room. With a practiced movement, she tosses her silken black hair over her shoulder, places a hand on the curve of her hip, and surveys the room. She inhales, and her chest rises, pulling the top she’s wearing tight. She lifts her chin, her green, no, emerald eyes glint in the low light, framed by black lashes and secrets. She might be unaffected, but I feel electrified.
Barren, I determine quickly, is struggling with how hard this alpha is impacting him. His scent fills the air, and he trembles, full body shivers accompanied by a whine that is so quiet I almost can’t hear it. I look between the two of them, willing her to move to him, to touch him. I need to see more. I need to know I’m right.
I frown and glance at the big guy standing in the corner, but he’s watching the interaction with as much intensity as Gold is.
She turns away then, walking calmly over to the artwork and staring up at it. “I loved this painting. I’m glad you kept it here.”
“Why are you back?” Gold growls.
I want to slap him right now. He’s itching to drive her out. Spoiling for a fight. Ruining all my work.
She doesn’t turn straight away, but then when she does, she smiles evenly. “I needed a break from city life.”
“Where is your pack?” Gold barks out.
I also suddenly find myself curious about the answer.
There’s a bitter note of grief in her scent, but it’s so faint, it’s there and gone before I can be sure.
“Home, of course. I just needed some time.” She laughs softly and turns away, walking to another painting.
Her hips sway enticingly as she walks, and I find myself staring, the long black hair falling to her waist.
“Jet?” Barren almost trembles, and I move to him at once. Taking his hand in mine, lacing our fingers together. This was a mistake. I’d thought…I don’t know what I thought, but it’s hurting Barren.
I probe the bond and feel the well of sadness on the other side. How long has it been since he locked himself down? Closed himself off? Too long.
She snaps her head towards us, scenting the air, and then turns gracefully when Taylor moves closer to her.
He murmurs something I can’t hear, and she tilts her head to the side, exposing her neck. It should be submissive. On anyone else it would be submissive, but on her, it’s such a dominant play at submission that it’s almost a parody.
He growls.
She laughs.
The husky sound makes me wheeze. Barren grips my fingers tighter. He’s panting, and another tremble racks his body. He’s fighting the pull, trying really hard not to go to her.
“Right, so. Nice to meet you, Jet, Taylor, Acton,” she pauses, her eyes finding our omega and softening, “Barren,” he trembles and leans into me. “Gold, as always, it’s been a fucking pleasure. Let’s uh, maybe leave it twenty more years or so, ey? Catch up then.”
He snarls, and I whip my head across to watch him level the coldest stare I’ve ever seen on the alpha female.
She advances towards us, walks past us, opens the glass door, and slips out before I can even think of what to say.
“Hmm.” Acton breaks the silence between the five of us and crosses to the door and follows her out.
Taut silence strains the room until Taylor sighs heavily. “Explain.”