Of course, two people who’ve known each other for most of their lives, then find out they live in the same city. That makes sense.

“Yes, of course. I’d like that, too.”

“Perfect,” Adam proceeds. “Dinner tomorrow?”

Tomorrow? What?!

Stunned silent, it takes me a bit to reply, “uh, sure. What do you have in mind?”

“There’s a great Lebanese place just down my street. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

I burst out laughing, and Adam asks with a smile in his voice, “what’s so funny?”

“The fact that there is Lebanese food within walking distance of your place. You remember where we grew up, right?”

“Facts,” he chuckles in a low rumble that does funny things to my belly. And lower… Much lower places. Oh boy…

“Okay, text me the address,” I say, hoping to wrap up the conversation.

“I will. Have a good night, Maya.”

His voice dips by an octave in an almost tender farewell.

And it’s only after we hang up that I remember I told Michael we couldn’t meet until the weekend. I just made plans to see Adam on a week night…


“How’s Meeka?” Adam enquires with a teasing grin.

My eyes drift to the assortment of dishes on our table. Flatbread, sauteed meat chunks, a couple of stews… there’s way too much food for just the two of us, but he insisted on having me try all the house specials.

“Still the same, except that now she’s married and a mom.”

“Wow, that’s great.”

Adam chuckles, probably imagining Meeka busting her husband’s balls.

“She lives in Myrtle Beach. Actually, we moved here after grad school,” I add.

He nods with interest.

“How long ago was that?”

“Going on two years, now.” I mark a pause before adding, “then Meeka got herself a hubby and abandoned me.”

Adam watches me closely from under his thick eyelashes. His warm brown gaze enveloping me like a caress.

“And you haven’t?”

I smile and shake my head. “Adam, if I had a husband, I don’t think you and I would share a meal alone.”

“No?” He asks, quirking a sexy, thick, arched brow.

“I would have invited you over, made dinner, and you would have spent the evening chatting with my husband.”

“Sounds like a lot less fun,” he croons in a low voice, his intense gaze enrapturing me.

“I have someone, though,” I blurt out, using Michael to break the spell.