* * *


Fuck! I run a hand down my face, frustrated with myself. I hate that I can’t bring myself to connect with Maya.

I’ve had my heart set on Maya Jones for as long as I can remember. With her huge smiles and larger-than-life personality. When we were kids, she was the one who’d come pull me out of my corner to play. The one to tease me and break through my shell. But I guess growing up carved a rift between us. There are no more games of tag to pull me into.

She’s the prettiest girl in the world and I want her, but I don’t know how to tell her. How to be with her. Fuck! She’s so fucking sweet with her big doe eyes. So sexy, with that full mouth, and those curves- I would give everything for a chance to taste her. Her waist is just the perfect size to wrap my big hands around. Her round hips, to dig the thick pads of my fingers into. And that ass. Shit, that ass keeps me up at night. I want to worship her body. Kiss, lick, suck, bite and devour every single inch of it . Make her moan and call my name. I wish… I take in a deep inhale. Fuck, why am I such a fucking moron?


Five Years Ago


“You coming?” my best friend and college roommate, Meeka, asks, checking her reflection in the full-length mirror of our dorm suite. I cock an eyebrow, to which she responds with an eye-roll. “Girl, please. We only have one exam left. We’re just going to grab a drink. Live a little.”

“I live plenty, thank you very much. But it’s finals week. I’ll pass.”

Meeka rolls her eyes again, sucking her teeth. I shake my head, laughing, then stuff my earbuds back in, redirecting my gaze to the textbook open on my bed. But it’s impossible to focus with Meeka fussing around. I lay on my side with my head propped up on one hand. Pretending to study my nails, I ask in a voice way too heavily infused with bored indifference to be genuine, “Who’s going?”

Meeka tilts her head to the side, smirking at me. “I thought it wasn’t a good idea to hang out during finals?” she teases.

I stick my tongue out. She knows me way too well. Then I come out with it, asking, “fine, is he going?”

“Not that I know of. You know Adam’s as much of a goody- two-shoes as you,” Meeka mumbles through pursed lips, busy applying gloss. “Okay, I’m out of here. Last chance,” she trails off.

I shake my head again, then wish her a good time. When the door clicks behind her, I slump back on my bed, eyes to the ceiling. A knock on our suite door interrupts my lazy thoughts.


The handle goes down and a low, masculine voice calls, “hello?”

“Hi,” I respond, swiftly sitting up.

Adam Barrett pokes his stupid, handsome face inside our suite. Why, Lord? Why?!

Fuck, he’s pretty. A couple of inches taller than when we were in high school. And he filled out nicely… The tall, lanky boy bulked up into a delicious-looking man.

When will this guy stop torturing me?!

“Hey, Maya. Hope I’m not bothering.”

Ugh, his voice! It’s low and gravelly, luscious, enticing. It vibrates through my body, making me all tingly and shit.

“No bother,” I respond, my voice guarded, as always, when I’m in this man’s presence. Unrequited infatuation and all that…

Adam stands at the entrance to the room, his giant form filling the open door. Looking absolutely yummy in loose basketball shorts and a cotton t-shirt. He also looks like he’s waiting for something… His eyes nervously roam around the space, jumping from one wall to the other.

I have no clue what he’s doing here. And my curiosity makes it even more difficult than usual to not stare. Not my fault the man’s so freaking gorgeous, for God’s sake.

Adam is even taller than when he played basketball back in high school, probably close to six feet five, now. And the way he filled up, phew… His cotton t-shirt can’t conceal the bulk of his defined biceps and pecs. He still wears his dark hair shortly cropped. His beautiful brown skin makes my mouth water for a taste. Then there are the warm eyes, masculine nose, full lips and square jaw… Fuck, I need to get a grip!

The one thing that hasn’t changed, though, is his quietness. This guy is the undefeated universal champ of the silent game. Insert eye-roll.

“Do you need something?” I finally inquire, growing impatient.

Adam’s surprised gaze briefly meets mine before drifting away. When my eyes fall to his feet, I see he’s wearing sandals, and even his toes are hot. Damn it!