We exchange a handshake.

“Ah, Adam, my boy!” Mr. Jones exclaims, coming to join our huddle in the foyer.

“Mr. Jones, it’s good to see you, sir.” I move into his embrace.

Maya’s dad greets me with affectionate slaps on my shoulder, then holds my gaze with amused eyes, teasing, “you sure took your time, son.”

“Daaad!” Maya exclaims, and everyone, including me, laughs.

Mrs. Jones comes out of the kitchen with Amal’s daughters in tow, wiping at her eyes. “Hello, Adam,” she greets me in a tremulous voice.

I turn to her with a warm smile as Maya walks to her mother and wraps an arm around her shoulders.

“Aww, Ma,” Amal coos and joins her mother and sister in a group hug.

“Come on, boys,” Mr. Jones calls, walking through the house and motioning for Cage and me to follow.

When we make it to the backyard, he invites us to take a seat on the comfortable outdoor furniture.

“Your father called me, Adam,” Mr. Jones states as an opening.

I look up from my hands folded in my lap and smile. “I’m glad he did.”

He nods without a word, and I feel Cage’s sharp gaze studying me.

“I’ve always liked Maya, and I know it’s not a coincidence we found ourselves in the same city.”

I mark a brief pause, letting my words penetrate

“Her and I spoke. We care for each other. I hope we get your blessing, sir.”

He nods solemnly, a mist appearing in his dark brown eyes, Maya’s eyes

“It’d be our honor, son.”

Cage slaps my back so hard he probably leaves the imprint of his palm, and booms through a chuckle, “welcome to the family, man!”

* * *

After my conversation with Maya’s father and her brother-in-law, I stayed for a drink, but didn’t linger. It was hard enough staring at Maya in that fucking sexy dress. The fabric molding her like a second skin. And standing close to her, having the smell of her fill my nostrils. That unique mixture of flowery perfume and feminine scent. Having my arm around her shoulder, our hands linked, her soft body leaning into mine. Shit, a man can only handle so much.

I went home, had dinner with my parents, then drove downtown for a drink with my buds. We had a great time. Laughed, reminisced on the stupid shit we got into as kids.

It was a great evening. An amazing one. The incredible feelings bursting through my chest since Maya and I spoke didn’t lessen one bit.

Now, I’m laying in my bed, in my old room, eyes closed. With the window wide open, because February in Magnolia Point sometimes surprises you with hot temperatures. Dressed in nothing but black boxer briefs. Lazily running a hand over my semi, letting images of Maya scroll through my mind, when I hear a noise at my window. I sit up abruptly, eyes wide, heartbeat picking up. Fuck, I hope it’s not some animal climbing through my open window. A form climbs over the sill and I’m about to tackle whatever’s intruding into our family home when I hear Maya’s voice.


What the fuck?!


“Yeah, it’s me.”

Her voice is soft. She sounds shy.

I close the distance between us and loosely loop my arms around her body. Now that my eyes are getting used to the darkness, I can see Maya’s wearing nothing but a spaghetti-strap tank top and tiny sleep shorts. Fuck me. I clear my throat.