

‘Hey, sweetheart.’

My stomach dips at the message from a number that should not be texting me.

‘Stop contacting me, Michael. I told you I’m getting engaged.’

This fucker is going to get me in trouble.

The phone rings in my hand, making me jump.

“You fucking tease!” Michael yells in my ear. “You made me wait around for months, and now you think you’re gonna get rid of me that easily?”

“Calm down, Michael. Don’t make me regret I took your call.”

“I’ll show you regret, you…”

At the string of curses that follows, I hang up, my eyes filling with tears.

I haven’t told Adam that Michael started texting me again after we broke up. At first, it was just a cordial, ‘hello’, to which I responded in a short but friendly manner. Then he started sending me messages every couple of days, asking how my day went, what I was doing. I’d hoped my perfunctory answers would discourage him, but Michael didn’t seem to mind my dismissive tone. So, finally last week, I got tired of his shenanigans and told him I was getting engaged. Hoping this would put an end to his stupid behavior. News flash, it didn’t. Michael’s insane answer was, ‘Well, you’re not married yet.’ From that day on, I started ignoring his messages. I should have fucking blocked him!

I’m so mad at him, and honestly at myself for being dumb enough to get in this messy situation. My first mistake was to get involved with someone I wasn’t really attracted to. And now, I’m getting muddled in a stupid situation that can only bring trouble to the relationship I cherish.

But today I’m seeing Adam, and I can’t have this fucking jerk blow off my phone while I’m with my future fiancé.

Before leaving my place, I promise myself I’ll call my mother and sister about this mess.


“All the details for the party are settled,” I smile huge at Adam, sipping on my tea, sitting at our usual spot at the café terrace.

“Thank you, future Mrs Barrett.”

I shake my head at what Adam has been calling me lately. We get lost in each other’s gaze when a male voice shatters our bliss.

“Ah, there you are, love,” Fucking Michael calls from the sidewalk, and I freeze.

He’s standing a few feet away from us, a nasty grin on his face, holding a huge bouquet of flowers. Clearly up to no fucking good.

“Hey, man.” Michael walks up to Adam, arm stretched out.

Adam rises from his seat and shakes the offered hand with a suspicious glance at the stranger facing him.

Michael pulls a chair and sits at our table, dropping the flowers in front of me.

“These are for you, love,” he says.

I stiffen in my chair and turn to Adam to see his alarmed eyes bounce between Michael and me. I have no fucking clue what to do.

“I’m guessing you know who I am,” Michael taunts Adam with a smirk.


“Michael?” He questions.

Adam shakes his head, lips pinched, brow furrowed, and I can see a muscle jump in his cheek as his temper rises. Fuck!