
“Careful!” I called after the little ones darting between my feet. I chuckled, shaking my head as they darted away, carefree in a way I wished I could be.

“I got you!” Sono shouted.

“No!” his brother, Saya, argued. “I got you first!”

“Boys-” I started to interject when a call alert came through on my holo. Immediately my heart leapt excitedly. Was it Vanessa?

I pull my holo out, thrilled to see that she was calling me! Had she missed me as much as I had missed her?

My smile faded when I saw the expression on her face. She didn’t look happy at all. I put my holo back in my pocket and walked closer to her, trying to figure out what was wrong before she could say anything.

“What’s going on?” I asked nervously, bracing myself for whatever she might throw at me.

“You lied to me!” she shouted accusingly. “You have a wife and kids! How dare you lie like that?!”

I shook my head slowly, as if to clear it of the confusion that had overwhelmed me. This wasn’t right - where was this coming from? Had someone told her something about me?

Before I could correct her, she continued her angry onslaught, and I let her. Patiently waiting.

“I can’t believe this! You went on and on about us being serious and this is how you treat me? When were you going to tell me, Zorak?” I opened my mouth as she threw her hands up. “Were you ever going to tell me?”

I sat back, studying her face as she breathed harshly. “Did you just think I wouldn’t find out?” She sucked in a deep breathing, staring at me. “Well?”

“No,” I said firmly, taking a deep breath before continuing. “I don’t have a wife or any kids.”

Vanessa looked skeptical so I took a step closer and held out my hands pleadingly. “It’s true,” I said softly. “The only family I have are my nephews, Sono and Saya - the two little boys playing over there.” I shifted the holo to watch.

At that, Vanessa’s eyes softened fractionally and she glanced over at the two children playing together with their toys. They were laughing together, racing each other around with their miniature hoverbikes while pretending to be superheroes saving the day. It was one of those moments that felt absolutely magical - like all of life’s worries were suspended in time just for this moment... And then it dawned on Vanessa what I meant by ‘family.’

“Oh,” she said quietly, not taking her eyes off of them as they flew around in circles with gleeful abandon. “I... guess I was told wrong. Those aren’t your kids?”

“Uncle Zorak!” Saya shouted, as if on cue. “Come play with us!”

I managed a sad smile and gestured to my nephews to come closer. “Come here. I want to introduce you to someone.”

Vanessa watched as Sono and Saya approached, their faces beaming with excitement. “Vanessa, this is Sono and Saya,” I said, introducing them. “Boys, this is Vanessa.”

Vanessa crouched down to their level, smiling warmly at them. “Hi, guys,” she said, and they both greeted her with shy hellos.

“Who is she?” Saya asked.

“A friend,” I said softly, though it hurt.

“Hi, Uncle Zorak’s friend,” Sono answered, standing far too close to the holo.

I watched as Vanessa interacted with them, her eyes lighting up with every smile they gave her. It was a side of her that I hadn’t seen before - a softer, more nurturing side. It almost hurt to see.

After a moment, Sono and Saya ran off to play again, leaving Vanessa and me to talk alone. “I’m sorry,” she said, looking up at me. “I didn’t mean to accuse you like that. I just... I thought...”

“Vanessa,” I said sternly. “I am many things, but I am not a liar.”

Vanessa looked up at me, her eyes searching mine. “Do you really not have a wife or kids?”

I shook my head. “No, I don’t. We are bonded, and even if that doesn’t mean anything to you, it does to me.”

For a moment, Vanessa didn’t say anything. She just stared at me, as if trying to read my thoughts. As the silence stretched out, I knew that there was only one way this could go. I’d done everything for Vanessa since we met. I tried to understand that our bond was new to her, but I couldn’t continue this.