I gestured to Vanessa, who was watching our boisterous greeting with amusement. “Dorjan, meet Vanessa, the extraordinary woman who has captured my heart.”

Dorjan grasped Vanessa’s hand and bowed deeply. “It is truly an honor. Any female who can tie down this rascal is a woman of remarkable talents.” He winked as Vanessa chuckled.

We settled around the table, selecting mouthwatering dishes from the cafe’s ocean-fresh menu. As we ate, Dorjan regaled us with hilarious stories of our escapades in youth. I met Vanessa’s eyes often, thrilled to share these memories from my past with her. Her smiles and laughter warmed my heart.

After the meal, Dorjan insisted on showing Vanessa the cafe’s spectacular cliffside view. As soon as they were out of earshot, the server approached with a knowing grin.

“Your lady is quite lovely,” she remarked, refilling my glass. “The two of you make a striking couple. I am sure you will have a long and happy union.”

I smiled, glancing at Vanessa’s shining hair gleaming in the sunlight. “I hope so. She is unlike any woman I’ve ever known.” I wanted nothing more than for the server’s words to prove true, though I knew convincing Vanessa to share her life with me would take time.

When Vanessa and Dorjan returned to the table, Dorjan clapped me on the back heartily. “You chose well, my friend! A female of such poise, intellect and beauty is a rare jewel. You must pamper and romance her as she deserves.”

I chuckled at his enthusiastic relationship advice as Vanessa blushed prettily. Dorjan meant well, but his suggestions were clearly geared towards winning over an Orkarian maiden. Vanessa was uniquely human – she required a more nuanced approach. But I appreciated Dorjan’s support, nonetheless.

After a long and enjoyable dinner, Dorjan at last bid us farewell, clasping my shoulder warmly. “It was a delight meeting your radiant Vanessa. You two enjoy the rest of your vacation together!” With a final grin and bow to Vanessa, he lumbered off.

Vanessa slipped her hand in mine as we strolled along the beach at sunset. “Thank you for introducing me to your dear friend. I can tell he thinks the world of you.” Her voice held a pensive note that made me glance down in concern.

“Is something wrong?” I asked.

Vanessa bit her lip, hesitating. “I’ve been giving this some thought,” she finally said. “Maybe it’s best if we keep things light and casual for now. No need to rush into anything more serious. Not right now, anyway.”

I blinked in confusion, stopping in my tracks. “Light and casual?” This seemed at odds with the closeness we had been cultivating. We’d just jumped off a building together. Our souls were bound, and the marks of that bond were evident on our skin.

Before, I’d thought she just needed time to accept this. But now she knew. Surely she had to know this was anything but casual.

Sensing my befuddlement, Vanessa added gently, “Let’s just take it slowly, see where things go. No commitments, no expectations.” She trailed one finger down my chest flirtatiously. “We could have a lot of fun together. Don’t you think?”

Her tone implied meanings I did not grasp. “Have fun together?” I echoed blankly. Vanessa smiled up at me, her eyes smoldering in a way that made my pulse race deliriously.

“Yeah, you know, just hooking up sometimes. Keep it passionate but no strings attached.” She slid her arms around my neck, bringing her body against mine. My mind spun wildly.

“I...see,” I stammered, though her exact desires still eluded me. But the nearness of her soft curves was wreaking havoc on my thoughts. Vanessa took my flustered reaction as agreement, kissing my cheek before taking my hand to resume our walk.

My emotions were in turmoil. Once we returned to our suite, as Vanessa opened a bottle of honey-sweet Orkarian wine, I quickly messaged Dorjan for clarification. His response was swift and blunt:

“She is offering her body but not her heart. Take the pleasure if you must, but know she may never wish for more.”

My shoulders slumped dejectedly as I finally comprehended Vanessa’s intentions. The idea of physical intimacy detached from true emotional bonding felt hollow, a pale shadow of what I hoped we might share.

Vanessa held out a glass of the shimmering gold wine, eyebrows raised questioningly at my solemn silence. I met her gaze steadily. “You deserve to be cherished, not treated as a passing fancy. When you are ready to open your heart, I will be here.”

Ignoring her stunned expression, I turned away, emotions churning painfully in my chest. “Excuse me, I am feeling unwell. Please enjoy the evening.” Keeping my head high through monumental effort, I retreated to my own room.

My body screamed at me to turn back, take what she offered and damn the consequences. But my spirit recoiled, knowing it would be a betrayal of my heart’s deepest desires. I wanted a true partner, a lover, a wife – not fleeting pleasure leaving us both empty.

I paced the room, agitated and torn. Perhaps I had misunderstood her intentions? But Dorjan’s advice had been clear. With a groan, I collapsed onto the bed, raking my hands through my hair in frustration.

I should have known this blissful escape from reality was too perfect to last. We came from vastly different worlds, bound by different customs. How could I have deluded myself into believing she might come to care for me as I did for her?

Perhaps once we returned to the rigors of our regular lives, she would forget this foolish notion of a dalliance without commitment. I clung desperately to the hope that given time, her fondness for me might blossom into steadfast love.

I would not press my point further or make demands. But neither would I abandon all hope. I would leave the next steps to Vanessa, trusting that fate had destined us to find each other for a greater purpose than fleeting passion.

My communicator chimed with an incoming message, no doubt Vanessa wondering at my abrupt departure. But I could not face speaking with her right now. My emotions were too frayed, my restraint too fragile.

I put my communicator away. I couldn’t read her message right now. I felt no anger towards Vanessa, only sadness for the unconsummated love between us I had so briefly allowed myself to dream about.