“Hey, do you mind if we try some?” asked Mark, a tall, lanky coworker who seemed to have materialized out of thin air at the prospect of free food. Before I could answer, he reached over and snagged a piece of the mysterious protein with his fingers, popping it into his mouth.

“Whoa, this is incredible!” he exclaimed, eyes widening in delight. “You’ve gotta taste this.”

“Fine,” I relented, taking a cautious bite. The flavors exploded in my mouth – savory, tangy, and just a touch of spice. It was unlike anything I’d ever eaten, both familiar and completely alien all at once. As much as I wanted to be annoyed with Zorak’s meddling, I had to admit that the food was impressive.

“Zorak might be a little... eccentric,” said Jen, sampling one of the colorful sauces with a piece of bread, “but he sure knows how to pick a meal.”

“Maybe he’s not so bad after all,” added Mark, grinning as he went in for another helping.

Lyle shot a skeptical look at the surplus of gifts. “You do know this is an office, right? Not some sort of buffet.”

I sighed, feeling torn between irritation and gratitude. On the one hand, Zorak needed to let me focus on my work. On the other, he was also making it very difficult not to like him – or at least, his generous and bizarre gestures.

“All right, fine,” I said, giving in to the warm camaraderie that had blossomed around my desk. “Everyone can help themselves. But you’ll all owe me one when I need help with this case!”

As my coworkers eagerly dug into the unexpected feast, I couldn’t help but think about Zorak. How could someone so strange and endearing simultaneously drive me crazy and make my heart race?

I watched my coworkers laughing and chatting as they enjoyed Zorak’s bizarre feast. Each bite of the alien cuisine seemed to chip away at their skepticism, and I felt increasingly isolated in my own frustration.

“Hey, Vanessa,” said Jen, her grin widening with every mouthful. “You should give him a chance. He clearly cares about you and has such an interesting job.”

“Interesting? He’s a Galactic ambassador!” I replied, rolling my eyes. “That’s not even a real thing! Everyone knows those jobs only go to someone’s connected cousin. It’s all nepotism.”

“Sounds pretty important to me,” Mark chimed in between bites.

“You guys are no help,” I muttered, returning to my computer screen. But I couldn’t concentrate on my work, my thoughts consumed by Zorak and his unwavering belief that we were soulmates.

What if he’s right? I thought, my stomach twisting in knots.

I didn’t know what scared me most – that I had some crazy Orkarian guy who might have tattooed me in my sleep, or that I might actually be fated to be with someone else. I’d worked so hard to get to a place in life where I could be truly independent. How could I just throw that away because fate said so?

Fate hadn’t helped me pass my law exam.

I needed some fresh air. I had to get out of the office and clear my head. I quickly gathered my handbag and sunglasses and hurried past my well-fed workmates.

As I emerged into the radiant sunlight, I took a moment to look around. It was such a beautiful day. The world was filled with vibrant hues everywhere I looked. The azure sky was like an enchanted tapestry stretched across eternity, punctuated by lush green trees that swayed gently beneath hazy white clouds.

Gods, I was even describing the scenery like Zorak in my head now. What was he doing to me?

Eventually, I found myself in a sprawling park full of life and energy that drew me in. After grabbing a Capso fruit drink from a nearby kiosk, I settled on one of the benches encircling an ornate stone fountain. As its tranquil sprinkles filled the air, I noticed couples scattered throughout enjoying each other’s company without a care in the world. For a moment, I almost envied their blissful serenity. Maybe I owed myself the chance to be happy like they were. Perhaps I didn’t have to choose one or the other.

I felt self-conscious in my neatly tailored dress suit as I returned to the office. I tried not to make eye contact as I moved through the workspace to my desk.

With a sigh, I sat down, swiveled in my chair, and reached for my phone, needing someone to understand my predicament. “Mom?” I said when she picked up. “I need your advice.”

“Of course, sweetheart,” she replied warmly. “What’s going on?”

“Remember that alien guy I told you about? The one who thinks we’re soulmates?” I recounted the day’s events, explaining how Zorak had shown up at my office with gifts, sent exotic food, and won over my colleagues.

“My dear,” my mom began, her voice gentle, “you’ve always been so cautious. Maybe it’s time to take a risk, see where this relationship might lead.”

“Are you kidding me?” I sputtered. “This isn’t about taking risks, Mom! This is about an alien who’s disrupting my life and causing chaos at work!”

“Sweetheart, he’s just trying to show you that he cares. And from what you’ve told me, he has a great job and is very attentive. Those are good qualities in a partner. Also, I would like grandkids before I die.”

“Mom, this isn’t like choosing between two flavors of ice cream. This is a massive, life-altering decision!” I said, exasperated.

“Life is full of those, dear,” she replied softly. “And sometimes, the most incredible opportunities come wrapped in the strangest packages.”