We moved together, a dance we knew so well, our bodies in perfect sync. Her nails dug into my shoulders, the pain only adding to the pleasure.

“Harder,” she gasped, and I obeyed, pounding into her with all the pent-up desire I’d been holding back since breakfast. Her moans echoed in the shower, the water washing away the evidence of our love.

It didn’t take long before we were both close, our bodies moving frantically towards release. I buried my face in her neck, the sound of her cries filling my ears as we came together.

We stayed like that for a minute, trying to catch our breath before I pulled away from her.

“We should get dressed,” she murmured, and I chuckled, kissing her cheek.

“I think I can spare a little more time.”

She laughed softly, pressing her forehead against my own as she kissed me. “You’re insatiable.”

“You love it.”

“I do.” She smiled up at me. “But, we have an appointment this afternoon.”

“I won’t miss it.” We’d been planning this for months, after all.

She stood up, stepping out of the shower and I followed her. She wrapped a towel around her body and I did the same.

“I’ve got to get ready. When you’re done, come tell me so we can leave together.”

Vanessa left the room and I watched her go, admiring the sway of her hips and the way her ass moved as she walked. My cock stirred, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep it down for long. I’d have to have her again before we left

For the millionth time, I wondered how I’d ended up with such a wonderful woman.

I’ll probably never know, but I didn’t care.

Vanessa was my happily ever after, and I was going to spend the rest of my life making sure she knew it.



I let out a satisfied sigh as I gathered my notes and walked out of the courtroom. Another victory for my client Grogmar the Mighty. Representing Orkarian clients was always interesting, given their penchant for solving disputes through acts of extreme violence. But I had carved out a niche for myself arguing Orkarian cultural norms and self-defense claims. The case laws were endlessly fascinating, full of references to axes, morning stars, and other medieval weaponry.

As I stepped outside into the sunny plaza, a familiar voice called out. “Counselor! You were magnificent in there today.”

I turned and broke into a huge smile. “Zorak! What are you doing here?”

My husband swept me up into his strong arms and planted a deep kiss on my lips. “You didn’t think I would miss your big case, did you?”

I melted into his embrace. It had been too long since we were together. His ambassadorship kept him traveling to far corners of the galaxy for months at a time. I cherished these precious moments when our busy schedules overlapped.

“Let me take you out to lunch to celebrate,” he said, brushing a loose strand of hair from my face. “I know all your favorites at the Rusty Battle-Axe.”

“That sounds perfect,” I replied. I laced my arm through his and we strolled through the city. The Rusty Battle-Axe was a raucous tavern favored by many Orkarians, serving heaping plates of charred meats and pungent fermented beverages. It was the perfect place to dine after securing victory for one of their own.

Over massive turkey legs and mugs of ale, we caught each other up on all the latest happenings. Zorak told me diplomatic anecdotes, like the time he accidentally insulted the king of Denebia by comparing his beard to a gnarled hedgerow. I regaled him with courtroom tales, like defending a client who split his business partner in half with an axe during a property dispute. Zorak roared with laughter, bits of meat stuck in his tusks.

After the hearty meal, Zorak raised his mug. “To my amazing wife, the most brilliant and beautiful lawyer on all of Orkaris.”

“I have some big news,” I said after we clanked mugs. I set mine down across from Zorak since I wouldn’t be able to drink it, and placed a hand on my belly. “We’re going to have a little ambassador or lawyer of our own soon.”

Zorak’s eyes went wide. “You...you’re pregnant?” His face split into an ecstatic grin and he whooped loudly, swinging me around in his arms. The other patrons glared at the disruption, but Zorak was oblivious in his joy.

“Twins, in fact,” I laughed.