I couldn’t wait to see him again, to tell him how sorry I was and how much I loved him. My mind raced with thoughts of him the entire time. I couldn’t help but wonder if he would even want to see me after what I had done.

I didn’t have a plan. I didn’t know where he was or if he would even want to see me. But I had to try.

By the time the planet came into view, my resolve was strong. I’d get him back one way or another. It was like he said, we belonged together.

Chapter 25


I stepped off the transport ship and onto Orkaris, feeling a swell of nerves in my stomach. I had come here to find Zorak and try to make amends after our terrible argument back on T’rra. But I had no idea where on this vast planet he actually lived.

During the long space journey, I thought hard about everything Zorak said regarding our soul link. He never gave up on our love, even when I repeatedly pushed him away time and again. I knew I owed it to him to fully embrace our bond now.

But first, I had to locate him. I made my way to the nearest village, taking in the Orkarians milling about in their colorful robes. I approached a woman carrying a basket of spices.

“Excuse me, can you help me find someone named Zorak?” I asked nervously.

The woman studied me with piercing black eyes that seemed to stare right through to my soul. “You are the T’rran that Ambassador Zorak crossed the stars for, are you not?” she said knowingly. When I nodded hesitantly, she set down her basket on the dusty ground. “I will show you how to feel his spirit through your soul link. Then you will know where he dwells.”

I followed her to a quiet corner on the outskirts of the bustling village square. “Close your eyes,” she instructed in a low, soothing voice.

“Focus your mind inward and feel for the invisible thread that ties your soul to his.”

I slowed my breathing and concentrated deeply, trying to calm the anxious fluttering of my heart. At first I sensed nothing but the sound of blood rushing in my ears. Then slowly, I became aware of a gentle tugging, like a hook embedded deep in my heart attached to a gossamer string. I gasped aloud as a swell of emotion suddenly flowed through the thread and into my mind – heartache, regret, longing.

“I feel him!” I cried out involuntarily, tears spilling down my cheeks. “He’s in so much pain...” The force of his anguish struck me like a physical blow. I realized then just how deeply I had wounded him by my repeated rejections.

“Follow the thread, let it guide you to him,” said the woman gently.

My eyes flew open, vision still blurry with tears, but I knew where I needed to go. I thanked the Orkarian woman profusely and hurried off, my feet carrying me swiftly through the dusty streets toward the outskirts of town. I could feel the invisible tether pulling tighter in my chest the closer I got to a small domed house made of red clay.

I hesitated outside the wooden door, my heart pounding. What if he turned me away? He had every right to, after the way I had acted. I wouldn’t blame him for slamming the door in my face. But I had to try. I steeled myself and gave three short knocks. A moment later, the door cracked open, and two small copper-skinned Orkarian children with large dark eyes peeked out curiously.

“Who are you?” the boy I’d seen on the holophone with Zorak asked in a high, lilting voice. Before I could reply, an Orkarian man appeared behind the children. He had kind, weary features and a mess of dark curly hair.

“I’m so sorry to bother you, but I’m looking for Zorak,” I explained breathlessly. “Is this where he lives?”

The man studied me for a long moment, his head tilted to one side. Then his expression softened with recognition. “You must be Vanessa,” he said, pulling the door open a little wider. “Please, come in.” He gently guided the children aside to let me step over the threshold. “I’m Dakor, Zorak’s brother,” he explained as I looked around the dim, cool home with curiosity. “The little ones are my children.”

Before I could speak, a familiar voice spoke from the shadows of a hallway to my left.

“Vanessa?” Zorak appeared from around a corner, looking even more haggard and weary than his brother, if that was possible.

My heart ached at the dark, bruised-looking circles under his eyes and the defeated slump of his broad shoulders. He had always carried himself with such strength and confidence. Seeing him so broken was like a knife twisting in my chest. I had caused him this pain, I realized with dawning horror.

“Dakor, please take the children to the market for a bit,” Zorak said quietly, his voice hoarse with suppressed emotion. Dakor nodded and gently herded the little ones out the front door. A tense, uncomfortable silence descended on the room.

“What are you doing here?” Zorak finally asked after what felt like an eternity. There was a strained flatness to his voice that I had never heard before. I bit my lip nervously, unsure how to begin.

“I...I came to find you,” I stammered. “To tell you I’m sorry about everything that happened. You were right about our bond, and I was foolish to keep fighting it for so long.”

Zorak said nothing in response, his facial expression unreadable. I took a deep, shaky breath and forced myself to continue.

“You never gave up on me, even when I gave you every possible reason to walk away. You always had faith that our love was stronger than my fears. I took that devotion for granted and I’m so sorry.”

My voice caught in my throat as a huge lump of emotion lodged there. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness after the way I’ve treated you. But I’m asking for it anyway. I’m asking for a second chance if you can find it in your heart to give me one.”

I finally raised my eyes to meet his, letting all my defenses melt away in the dark intensity of his gaze.