“Promise me you’ll come back soon,” she whispered, her voice barely audible, as if she were afraid of breaking the fragile peace that had settled between us.

Her words pierced my heart like a dagger, reminding me of the harsh reality that awaited beyond the cocoon of our shared intimacy. I knew my duties would take me away from her, but the thought of leaving her behind was unbearable.

“I promise,” I vowed, cradling her closer to my chest. “I’ll return as quickly as possible, and we’ll begin our life together.”

She looked up at me, her eyes searching mine for any hint of falsehood. I met her gaze unflinchingly, willing her to see the truth in my words. Given her reserved nature, I saw a flicker of hope and trust in her eyes, something I didn’t take lightly.

With a heavy heart, I pulled away and stood up, reluctantly tearing myself away from her warmth. Even though it pained me to leave her side, I was determined to return for her as soon as possible. As I dressed and left, I felt a wave of sadness wash over me – sadness at leaving Vanessa behind, and gratitude and appreciation for the world-shattering connection we had found within these walls.

And there I found myself, outside on the street, in a world that was not mine. I walked to a bench to make a little sense of it all. I looked up at Vanessa’s apartment and caught the faint hint of her moving within it. At that moment, I felt like a stranger in a strange land.

Chapter 22


The door hissed shut behind Zorak, leaving me alone. I wasn’t sure how to feel apart from amazed, if not exhausted, from the fantastic sex we just had. That sent a little tingle down my spine just thinking about it. I almost wanted to chase him down the hallway for more, desperate to keep him from leaving the planet in a few hours.

But I was also confused. I understood why Zorak would think I, who shared the bond with him, would happily follow him to the edge of the known universe, but that wasn’t the case. I had built too much here on my own merits to drop it all. Even for a bond like the one we obviously shared.

I’d have to retrain in Orkarian law, which, to be fair, was probably a matter of two people fighting each other to the death, cheered on by an axe-wielding audience. Would I even be allowed to work as a lawyer on Orkaris?

I did hope that he would see sense and settle here, and I also missed him, that was something I knew for sure. Even if his leaving was a matter of minutes, in time, his scent would fade from my room, and until his return, all I would have was a memory.

If only we could live in moments, press a pause button, and stay there forever.

I got up from the bed but only made it as far as my couch. I let myself sink into it, the cushions swallowing me as a wave of doubt washed over me. Could I give up everything I knew – my job, friends, family – to be with him? Love had never been part of my life plan, and certainly not love with someone from another planet.

I glanced around the room, taking in the familiar clutter: the haphazard stack of law books and papers on my coffee table, the tangle of charging cables next to my commlink, and my collection of pressed flowers that hung peacefully on the walls. This was my haven, where I could escape the chaos outside. But now, even this sanctuary felt uncertain and unstable.

Just as I was about to slip into complete despair, my holophone buzzed on the table, its screen flashing with an incoming message from Zoe. “GIRLS’ NIGHT!” it read, followed by a string of emojis that perfectly captured her wild and carefree spirit. Now, there was fate lending a hand. If anyone could help me sort through my tangled thoughts, it was my best friend.

“Meet me at The Central Green at 8.30. Don’t wear panties!” I typed back, feeling excited at the thought of seeing Zoe. She always knew how to make me laugh, even when the weight of the world – or, in this case, the entire universe – seemed to be pressing down on me.

“Who wears panties these days? See you there!” she replied, and I couldn’t help but smile.

I decided to embrace the night out – I’d buy a new dress and get my hair done. So, with a new lease on life, I headed out into the world.

I stepped out of my tiny apartment, the anticipation of a girls’ night out with Zoe giving me an extra bounce in my step. The sun warmed my face as I made my way to the shopping district, determined to find the perfect dress for tonight. After browsing through countless racks, I finally laid my hands on a stunning red number that hugged my curves just right. With my prized purchase in tow, I headed to ‘Stellar Strands by Ripley’ for a haircut.

“Welcome, sweet tits!” boomed a voice as I entered the salon. Ripley, a large butch lesbian with tattoos covering her arms, greeted me with a grin that could only be described as mischievous. She ushered me into a chair and started working on my hair, her skilled fingers snipping away with precision.

Ripley launched into a raunchy tale about one of her latest “kittens” – her term for the many women she seduced. “So there I was, tied up like a Christmas present when she went down on me like a starving woman at a buffet! You should’ve seen the twinkle in her eyes, hon,” she chuckled. Her explicit descriptions made me blush, but I couldn’t help but be entertained by her outrageous stories.

“Here, sweetie, take a sip,” Ripley said as he poured a steaming glass of crimson wine.

“Oh, yes, please!” I said, feeling daring and carefree.

I took a tiny sip and immediately warmed up to the flavor. Another glass was had, and soon, I felt my muscles loosening up and my face growing warm.

The conversation flowed like the wine, our words intertwining with each other until we were both in an intoxicated state.

Ripley became increasingly curious about my own love life. “Come on, Vanessa, spill the beans! You’re seeing someone, aren’t you?” she pressed.

Feeling emboldened by the alcohol, I confessed. “Okay, okay! I’m seeing an Orkarian, and the sex is... amazing!”

“An Orkarian? Oh, honey, you hit the jackpot!” Ripley exclaimed, winking at me. “I’ve heard they’re literally out of this world in bed!”

I giggled, feeling a strange mix of embarrassment and pride. As Ripley finished my haircut and spun me around to face the mirror, I couldn’t help but admire the confident woman staring back at me.