With a sudden burst of energy, I flipped him onto his back. He grinned, a quick flash, and I knew he’d let me do it. I straddled him, grinding down against his hard length. He groaned, his hands gripping my hips tightly.

“Fuck,” he panted. “Let…let me…”

I teased him, sliding along his cock from base to tip, until he finally fumbled with my waist, lifting me up and onto his cock.


I sank down on him and had to bite my lip not to scream out from the pleasure. Zorak watched me with heavy-lidded, greedy eyes, and then we both gasped again.

I could feel him.

Not just his cock inside me, which was exquisite. I could feel how he felt, the eclectic shocks of bliss that traveled down his spine every time I moved my hips.

“Oh my gods, please, I can’t…” I couldn’t take it. Zorak’s hands guided me, and he sat up, murmuring in my ear words I wasn’t even sure were in T’rran as he thrust up inside me. I could feel the sharp, almost painful bite of his pleasure along with something that made my chest feel like it was being ripped open in the best way. Something so soft and tender it made me want to bite something.

Our movements grew more frantic, our passion building to a fever pitch. Sweat slicked our bodies as we moved together, lost in the ecstasy of our lovemaking.

Finally, with a cry of pleasure, we reached the pinnacle of our desire, collapsing in a tangle of limbs and heavy breathing.

As we lay there, hearts pounding and bodies entwined, I knew that this was more than just a physical connection. Zorak had become my rock, my safe haven in the chaos of everyday life. And I was determined to hold onto him, no matter what the future held.

At last, spent and dazed, I lay cradled in his arms listening to the steady beat of his heart. Tangled in the sheets, I had never felt more content.

Propping himself up on one elbow, Zorak regarded me tenderly, trailing fingers along my cheek. “As much as I desired you, I would have waited until you were ready. What changed?”

I reached up to lace my fingers with his, meeting his gaze directly. “I’m done waiting and wasting time we could be together. I love you, Zorak. I want to make this work.”

His answering smile outshone the brightest nebula. “I love you too. I knew we were destined from the moment we met.” He punctuated his words with joyful kisses that left me breathless and giggling. “Even before the mate mark, I knew.”

Emboldened by his words, I kissed him again, this time with a ferocity that could not be denied. Every emotion we’d kept bottled up since our souls bonded seemed to pour out of us as we explored each other’s bodies.

And every emotion he felt, I felt. What I felt, he felt. It all swirled and melded together, confusing and overwhelming and beyond anything I’d ever known.

Our lovemaking was more intense and passionate than before, as if every touch had been distilled down to its essence - pure love, longing, and desire for one another. With every movement, we felt the bond between us grow, until it seemed like there was no space left in my heart for anything but Zorak.

We moved together in perfect harmony, our movements amplified by the connection between us. As pleasure surged through me I felt myself being swept along towards something greater than either of us could have imagined – I felt his pleasure climb alongside my own, and I was lost.

Finally, we reached our climax simultaneously, lost in each other’s embrace as our hearts beat in sync and stars danced across my vision. As I lay nestled against Zorak’s chest afterwards, I knew that no matter what life threw at us, nothing would ever break the bond between us now.

In his strong embrace, the worries of my high-pressure job seemed to recede. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, but with Zorak by my side, I could face them unafraid.

Chapter 21


I stood on the balcony and looked over a city on a planet that was not mine. It seemed odd that I was utterly alien to everything I could see and feel. I needed to familiarize myself with the aspect of nature that existed here. To it, I was a stranger. Yet, it was welcoming, and I took comfort in that.

It could never replace Orkaris, and the humans had somewhat strange ways I had yet to get my head around. My people were new to all this intergalactic stuff, but we, as Orkarians, had a lot to give.

The fact that Vanessa had finally accepted our bond filled me with joy. The idea that two different species from different planets could find such a bond filled me with joy for the brave new galaxy to come.

Below me, I watched this new world come to life as people emerged to try to be their best selves. I also watched a rather dirty-looking human pull what looked like a half-eaten sandwich out of a litter bin. And that filled me with both sadness and the craving for a sandwich.

Leaving behind my thoughts of inter-planetary coexistence, harmony, and a shared love of sandwiches, I slipped back into bed beside Vanessa.

The glow of the rising light cast a warm, golden hue on Vanessa’s face as she tenderly pressed her hand against my chest. I felt my heart pounding with excitement as our solidified bond sparked the electricity between us.

I lay there and waited for her to wake. Maybe it was my Orkarian musk or my stomach rumbling that woke her. But wake she did, and I was glad.