Perhaps one day, when the pain had dulled, we could salvage a gentle friendship from the embers of feeling that had flared so intensely for a few shining days. But tonight, I needed solitude to nurse my battered spirit.

Slipping into troubled dreams, I wondered if Vanessa also lay awake conflicted, or if she slept untroubled, oblivious to the torment her tempting offer had provoked. Did my restraint puzzle her? I prayed she realized it was not for lack of longing, but born of devotion to what I hoped we might become.

But the future was veiled. I clung to faith that our fates remained entwined, though the winding path leading there was obscured. Tonight, my anguish was keen, but perhaps joy still waited down the road if I held fast to hope. With these last wistful thoughts, I finally surrendered to sleep’s solace.

Morning sunlight filtering into my room awoke me from restless dreams haunted by Vanessa’s presence. For a moment, I forgot the previous night’s events. Then memory came crashing down, and my heart clenched anew.

Rising slowly, I prepared myself to face Vanessa with composure, though inwardly I wavered between renewed longing and sadness. I sent a brief message asking her to meet me downstairs when ready. Her reply was succinct: “Of course.” No clues to her emotional state.

I waited in a secluded corner of the courtyard cafe, nerves jangling. Finally, I spotted Vanessa approaching, her poise and beauty striking as always. My traitorous heart quickened, but I kept my face impassive.

“Good morning,” I greeted her calmly as she sat. “Did you sleep well?” Inane pleasantries, yet all I could muster.

“Tolerably,” she replied with a tight smile. An awkward pause hung. Then we both spoke at once.

“About last night...”

“Zorak, I...”

We broke off, chagrined. “Please,” I gestured for her to continue. I braced myself, unsure what she would say.

Vanessa took a deep breath. “I shouldn’t have been so forward,” she said quietly. “It was unfair of me to make assumptions. Can we forget I ever suggested anything like that?”

My shoulders loosened in relief. “Of course. Let us enjoy our remaining time here as we have been.”

Her smile turned warm and genuine. Our eyes locked in renewed understanding. The tension dissipated.

Perhaps Vanessa regretted her offer as much as I did in the sober light of day. My hopes reignited that our souls might still find a shared destiny. But it was enough for now to recapture the easy affection we had built.

I stood and offered Vanessa my hand. “Shall we walk along the cliffs? I hear the views are spectacular.”

With only the slightest hesitation, she placed her hand in mine. The familiar rightness of her touch was a healing balm to my bruised spirit. Side by side in the tropical sunshine, the future once again seemed suffused with promise.

Vanessa and I passed the day enjoying the planet’s natural splendors, the ease between us restored. As the suns sank low on the horizon in a blaze of crimson and violet, we strolled barefoot along the beach, waves lapping at our feet.

Vanessa gently squeezed my hand. “Thank you for understanding. I value your friendship too much to lose you.”

I smiled down at her. “You need never fear losing my affection. My faith in what we might become remains unshaken.”

She held my gaze, her expression softening. “You’re a good man, Zorak. Far better than I deserve.” Leaning up, she grazed her lips tenderly across my cheek.

My breath caught at the contact. But I simply pulled her close and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as we walked in tranquil silence, hearts full.

When we finally parted ways to pack for the return journey, I felt that no awkwardness remained between us. The cares of the wider universe could not intrude upon this last peaceful interlude together.

Once home, we would be distracted by other demands. But I knew a seed of love had been planted, needing only time and care to bloom fully.

My hopes had weathered a storm, yet emerged intact. I yearned still to share my life fully with this remarkable woman beside me, if she could only find the courage to take that leap.

Chapter 18


The glow of my vacation with Zorak evaporated the moment I stepped back into the office. I felt hungover, the haze of adventure replaced by fluorescent lights glaring down at me and the incessant clicking of keyboards.

My colleagues eyed me curiously as I settled in at my desk, no doubt wondering about my impromptu trip.

“How was your vacation?” Jen asked, swiveling her chair to face me.