When the meeting adjourned, I approached Zorak with a newfound admiration.

“Vanessa, how great to see you. What are you doing here?” he said, surprise evident in his voice.

“And you,” I replied, grinning. “I wanted to see you in action, and I must say, I’m truly impressed.”

“Thank you,” he said, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of green. “It means a great deal coming from you.”

“Would you mind walking me home?” I asked tentatively, unsure if it was appropriate given our different species. “I’d love to hear more about your day.”

“Of course,” he agreed, his face lighting up enthusiastically.

As we left the embassy together, I couldn’t help but notice the curious stares we received from passersby. But instead of feeling self-conscious, I found myself opening up to Zorak.

“I had this odd encounter today which made me realize something,” I began. “I feel it’s time that I started to listen to myself instead of to others.”

Zorak listened intently, nodding empathetically. “I agree. We spend too much time frightened to listen to what our hearts are shouting out loud. Happiness is something that we somehow feel not entitled to. But, each of us, across this crazy galaxy and beyond, is entitled to it.”

“Thanks, Zorak,” I said, smiling as I felt a renewed hope wash over me. “Your ability to mediate complex situations is truly inspiring. It makes me realize that maybe there’s a way for us to navigate our differences and build something meaningful together.”

“Vanessa,” he responded softly, placing one of his gentle hands on my shoulder, “nothing would make me happier.”

As we walked on, I felt a warmth, not just from Zorak’s touch or the evening sun, but from within myself.

Chapter 13


The night sky, alive with the shimmer of a billion stars, lit our path as Vanessa and I held hands. Her petite fingers were warm against my palm. The planets shone brightly above, casting rays on us like a blessing. Everywhere we looked, there was beauty – in the glimmering pavement beneath our feet, the star-filled sky above us, and the peaceful atmosphere surrounding us. I felt a sense of pure joy and wished to stay here forever.

As we neared her apartment building, that moment shattered. My instincts flared, and I sensed something was off. “Vanessa, wait,” I whispered, tightening my grip on her hand. She looked at me, puzzled, but trusted my judgment enough to pause.

“Zorak, what’s wrong?”

“Someone’s following us,” I said through gritted teeth, trying to pinpoint the threat.

“Are you sure?” she asked skeptically, peering into the shadows. Before she could say anything more, a figure emerged from the darkness, brandishing a knife.

“Give me your purse, lady,” the mugger snarled, inching closer.

“Okay, okay,” Vanessa said, her voice trembling. As she started to toss her purse to the robber, he lunged forward and grabbed her arm instead.

“Don’t touch her!” I roared, my protective orc instincts surging to life. In one swift movement, I yanked the mugger away from Vanessa and slammed him against the brick wall behind us.

“Zorak!” Vanessa cried out, her eyes wide with shock and fear.

“Stay back,” I warned her, focusing on the mugger whose face was now contorted with pain. His nose streamed with blood, and he groaned weakly. Vanessa’s fear for me was palpable, but I couldn’t let this man hurt her.

“Please,” the mugger whimpered, his knife clattering to the ground as he tried to shield himself from my wrath.

“Zorak, don’t!” Vanessa’s plea brought me back to the present moment. She stood beside me now, her delicate hand resting on my arm, her eyes pleading for mercy.

My rage bubbled, threatening to overflow. The thought of someone touching Vanessa sent my Orkarian blood boiling. I glared down at the pathetic figure before me, my fists clenched tightly.

“I should kill you for laying a hand on her,” I growled, the words dripping with venom. “I have diplomatic immunity. I could rip your head off and suffer no repercussions.”

“Zorak, please,” Vanessa whispered, her voice quivering from the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She squeezed my arm, her touch gentle but firm. “Let’s not make this any worse. He’s not worth it.”

I stared into her eyes, searching for understanding. I couldn’t fathom why she would want to spare this man who had threatened her safety. But I could see the fear in her gaze and knew that my actions added to her distress.