"Oh my God, I have the best idea! What if you paint the people that come to visit?"
"What people that come to visit?" I ask, confused.
"Jack is planning on opening up tours of the castle next spring. It's becoming increasingly expensive to keep it up, so he wants to get it to the point where it pays for itself. You could sell paintings of the castle in the gift shop and also offer portraits. It would be perfect."
"That does sound pretty idyllic," I agree, imagining myself painting with my toes in the grass, my shoulders warmed by the midday sun.
"Think about it," she says, her last words garbled as she yawns. "I think it's time for bed."
"Me, too," I yawn, grabbing the food and bringing it to the kitchen. We wash up, and I get her settled on the couch after she refuses to take my bed. I fall asleep quickly, my last thought being how nice it is to have a friend.
I wake up to the smell of frying bacon and fresh coffee the following day.
"Morning," I mumble, pushing the hair out of my face as I shuffle to the coffee maker.
"Morning, sleepyhead," Isla sings, plating bacon, eggs, and pancakes for both of us.
"Can I marry you?" I ask as I take the plate from her hands.
She laughs. "I thought it would do you good to start your day off strong. You have a big week this week."
"Shhh!" I hold up my hand, "Don't remind me yet. I need to drink my coffee first."
"Got it." She pretends to zip her lips. "What's on the agenda today?"
"Getting the tree completely done to the point that it only needs paint and calligraphy, which I'll do when the guys and I get back from the city," I say between bites.
"The city?" She raises an eyebrow.
"They're taking me to get supplies this weekend," I explain, popping the last bite of bacon into my mouth.
"Charlie! I swear to God, it's like pulling teeth to get information out of you."
"Sorry!" I grimace, gulping down some coffee, praying to the gods it'll do its magic quickly. "They're taking me to Edinburgh on Saturday."
"And you're staying overnight?" she prods.
I nod as I go back to the coffee maker to fill my mug.
"How are you so calm about it? I would be buzzing out of my shoes."
"Because I'm not awake yet, Isla," I deadpan.
"Oh." She gives me an apologetic smile. "I'll get out of your hair. I'm going to wash the car and bike today. If you need a break, you can come up and sit outside and read or something."
"Okay. I'll work on the tree for a while and come up when I need a break."
She leans down and squeezes me tight, her hair pooling around my shoulders. "Thank you, Charlie."
"For what?"
"For helping me last night. For being a good friend."
"I'm trying," I chuckle, "It doesn't come easily. I appreciate that you're patient with me, Isla."
She grins as she clinks her mug against mine. "Friends for life."