My ears ring as my body slowly comes back into itself, my breaths coming in short, jerky gasps.
"Holy fuck," he whispers, grinning like a maniac before catching my lips with his. He rolls off of me and lays on his side, pulling me to him. "Has it ever been like this for you before, Charlie? Because my brain can't even comprehend what just happened."
I snuggle against him as he pulls the fluffy duvet over us. "I don't have much experience, but I've never experienced what I have with the three of you before."
"I'm glad you found us, Charlie," he mumbles, his lips pressed to my hair.
Not a minute later, I feel his body relax as he falls asleep. I carefully sneak out from under his arm and wash up in the bathroom. By the time I finish, he's rolled to his back, his disheveled hair a dark halo against the stark white of his pillowcase. I slide under the covers and mold my body to his. I could get used to this.
The guys and I are sitting around the kitchen table shoveling cereal into our mouths when Jack brings up what we talked about yesterday.
"Do we need to figure out dates so this goes smoothly?" Jack asks, lifting the bowl to his mouth to drink the milk.
"Are we planning sex now? That's kinda sad," I snort, shoving another bite into my mouth. I'm famished after yesterday's fuck fest.
"If we want it done by the weekend, then yes, I suggest we schedule it," Jack grumbles. He looks scary when he's grumpy. I like it.
"Why am I the one planning this?" I ask, peeved about having to plan anything, let alone sex.
"Yeah, good question," Lach chimes in, exacerbating the situation.
"I don’t want her to plan it, you idiot, I just want the dates confirmed."
"Fine. Tuesday and Thursday. That will give me a day to rest and downtime before the weekend. Plus, I need a couple of days to finish up some stuff on the family tree before I’m ready to start on the vignettes and calligraphy, anyway."
"Who's first?" Lach asks, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
"Nope. Do not involve me in this. For all I care, you two can duke it out like cowboys."
They start talking over each other, arguing about why they should get to go first and why the other should go second.
"The two of you are ridiculous," Cam yells over them, exasperated. "Pick a number between one and a hundred. Whoever is the closest gets Tuesday. The other one gets Thursday."
"That doesn't even make sense—it should be the other way around," Lach protests.
"Are you serious right now?" I ask them, "Maybe we should just do away with this whole thing and keep to the group since that seems to create fewer argum–"
"Sixty-nine!" Lach yells before the words are even out of my mouth.
"Eleven," Jack grumbles
"Forty-two," Cam says, his lips twisting into a smirk as he watches them try to figure out who won. "Lach, you're Tuesday. Jack, you get Thursday."
"Fucking hell," Jack moans, scrubbing his hands over his face.
Lach jumps up, pumping his arm in the air. "You and me! Tuesday, baby! You better get plenty of sleep the next couple of nights." His enthusiasm is infectious and I smile despite myself. Jack stands up, stacks our cereal bowls and takes them to the sink.
Lach moves to sit next to me. "Sooo... have you thought about it at all?"
"No, I haven’t thought about how your cock will feel stretching me. Or how it will feel to come around it. Why do you ask?"
He chokes. "God, Charlie. Stop saying stuff like that, or we won't make it to Tuesday."
"Make me," I smirk, my laugh dying as his eyes darken. I shriek and leap out of my seat, running outside before he can grab me. I look back, stumbling as I see him running toward me, the muscles of his torso gilded by the morning sun.
I dodge him, yelling at Jack to save me instead of standing there watching. He steps out of the doorframe but doesn't move to help me.