"So, what are your plans for the rest of your time here, Charlie?" Lorna asks.
My heart sinks like it does every time I think about how fast the time is passing. "My number one goal is to finish my commission, but that goes without saying. On top of that? I plan on making the most out of every single second I have left. I've never felt quite like I do here. I don't know how to describe it, but it feels like I've come home."
"Maybe you have," Lorna says, smiling.
"I wish," I whisper wistfully. "Arty gave me enough to live on for a few months, but after that, I'll have to be an adult again and get a real job."
"Why?" Isla sits up and stares at me, her voice tinged with frustration.
"Because I'm poor. I'll be okay once the divorce goes through. But who knows how long that will take. The only money I have is what Arty gave me."
Lorna sits up beside Isla, furious. "That's not right, Charlie. You helped your ex build that business, didn't you?" She and Jack must have had an in-depth conversation about me at one point. I'll have to decide how I feel about that later.
"I guess?"
"Were you there from the beginning? Did you help bring in clients?"
I nod.
"And I know you worked harder than that douchebag," Isla hisses, her tone venomous.
I laugh. "God, I love you guys."
"I'm serious, Charlie – did you?" Lorna asks.
I think about all the days I was out on jobs while he was playing golf. All the days he had 'meetings' while I worked my ass off out in the heat, my literal blood, sweat, and tears sinking into the soil day after day.
"Yes. I honestly can't even remember the last time he came home with dirt under his nails."
"Fuck him," Isla grinds out, looking murderous.
"I'm going to make some calls Monday. We need to find you a good lawyer, Charlie."
"You don't need to do that," I protest.
"No, I don't, but I want to. We're in your corner, Charlie. I barely know you, and I can tell you're not used to relying on anyone – that you've had zero support. Whatever happens between you, Jack, and Lach, Isla and I are here for you. Always."
"Thank you. Truly."
"Well, you don't need to worry about that anymore, now do you? Come on, let's go swimming." Isla grabs my hand and pulls me up. "You coming, Lorna?"
"In a little bit, I'm going to make sure Jack didn't have trouble putting the twins down first." She stands and heads for the house, leaving me with an inpatient Isla. I wave her on, assuring her I'll only be a second.
If I'm being honest, I was hoping I would never get to the point where I had to wear my swimsuit in front of anybody. It's the only one I packed when I grabbed my clothes the night I caught Rob cheating. I bought it for the trip to Europe that never happened – and it would have been perfect for that – but here it seems scandalous. I look up at the house, wondering if I can rip my clothes off and get into the water before anyone sees me, but Jack is on the deck, deep in conversation with Lorna. I turn away from him and pull my shirt off, adjusting my suit before looking back at him to make sure he's not paying attention.
My heart jumps into my throat when I see his eyes trained on me. I turn back toward the water, struggling between being embarrassed and wanting to give him a show at the same time. I untie the drawstring of my pants and look back over my shoulder at him. He's leaning on the railing now, focused only on me. I watch him as I shimmy my pants off, slowly letting the fabric fall away from my ass, revealing a scrap of fabric I have the audacity to call a bikini bottom. Jack vaults himself over the railing, his long strides eating up the ground between us.
"I'll give you a ten-second head start," he growls. "Run."
My mind takes a second to process his command. Did he really tell me to run? And why the fuck does that turn me on? I shriek when he starts counting down and I bolt toward the water, grabbing Isla's hand as I pass her. We crash into the water together in a tangle of limbs. I come up choking and spluttering, but Isla rises out of the water like a mermaid, flinging her hair over her head in a wide arc.
"How are you so damn hot?" I protest, splashing her.
"Gross!" Jack yells right before he tackles me. He cradles my head, spinning us under the water so he winds up underneath me. He pulls my mouth against his as he stands up, I cling to him, wrapping my leg around his hips.