"Isn't it though?" He joins me at the window, gazing out over the water. He looks at the view a few seconds longer, then turns to me. "Before I go, I wanted to show you how to work the stove; it can be a bit temperamental."
"Lead the way!" He spends the next ten minutes showing me the house's quirks, making sure I have the gist of everything before he heads back toward the door.
"If you have questions about anything, I left my phone number on the pad of paper on the counter." He hesitates, his hand poised above the doorknob. "Join me at the local pub tonight for supper?"
"That sounds great. Pretty sure I'm not running back to get groceries tonight anyway."
"Perfect. Meet me up at the house at six." He grins, dimples flashing. My breath catches in my throat. I take back what I said about him being cute earlier. He's not. He's fucking hot.
Itake my time unpacking and spend way too long in the shower. By the time I'm swiping on some lip gloss, it's close to six. I pull on a pair of distressed jeans, a soft brown leather jacket, and boots and head up to the house. Lachlan is waiting for me beside a sexy forest green Jaguar. A woman around my age stands beside him, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
"Charlie, this is Isla."
Isla rushes in for a hug. "It’s so good to have another girl around! Usually, it’s just me and the guys unless I go into Stornoway," She beams, golden eyes sparkling.
"It’s nice to meet you." I return her smile, loving her already. Her ruby red hair is piled on top of her head in a messy knot, pieces escaping to frame her peaches and cream complexion. She wears what looks like several layers under her jacket and ripped overalls. Duck boots round out her look. She's freaking adorable.
I turn toward Lachlan’s steady gaze. He looks posh in his gray sweater, dark jeans, and loafers.
"Ready?" He opens the door for me while Isla scrambles into the back seat on the driver's side.
It only takes about five minutes to reach the pub. It's in the castle's shadow, the towers rising so high they made me dizzy.
"Is Jay not coming?" Isla asked Lachlan, her gaze scanning the cars in the parking lot.
"No, he’s chasing after his new woman and doesn’t have time for us anymore." He makes a face, but his eyes are dancing.
"Who’s Jay?" I ask, confused.
"Her older?—"
"—and uglier," Isla chimes in.
"—brother," Lachlan finishes, laughing. "I've known both of them since we were mates in grade school."
"You two aren't together?" I ask, sitting in the chair Lachlan pulls out for me.
"Hell, no." Isla shudders.
Lachlan laughs. "I live in the manor house because I work with Jay on the farm. Isla lives there because she prefers it over living with her brother."
"I prefer it over him knowing everything about my sex life," she amends.
"Understandable," I laugh.
"Are you single?" she asks, glancing up from the menu.
I hesitate, then nod. I wish I wasn't. I've been doing pretty well except at night when I would give up almost anything to see his face. Run my hands through his hair. Fuck.
"Oh God, did I stick my foot in my mouth?" Isla asks, her eyes round.
"No, I was dating a guy, but he had to leave the country for work. It wasn't ever anything official."
"Good. You and I can go on the hunt together. I need some action." She wiggles her eyebrows comically. Lachlan pretends to gag next to her, plugging his ears in case she says anything else. She snorts and rolls her eyes.
The waiter sets the check on the table. Before I can react, Lachlan places his card on it and hands it back. "Let me pay my part!" I protest, placing some bills on the table.