Page 161 of Charlie

"Ready." Lach holds up his phone, showing that he has the notes app open, grinning like a fool.

"Why don't we start with our expectations for the wedding," I suggest. "Cam, you first."

He looks like a deer caught in headlights but quickly recovers. "The only thing I want is the four of us to say vows and have a handfast ceremony. I don't care who we invite, where it is, or what we wear. We could be naked for all I care."

"One point for naked vows." I pretend to add a mark to an imaginary tally on my palm. "Lach?"

"Definitely naked. Preferably near a bed." I roll my eyes at him. He reaches across the table and grabs my hand. "To be completely truthful, the details don't matter to me either." His thumb sweeps over my wrist, making my pulse flutter.

"It's going to be hard to plan something when nobody has an opinion."

"Oh, don't worry about that. If I know Jack, he's had this planned out since the day he met you."

I turn to Jack and raise my eyebrows, waiting. "Well?"

"It should be on the back lawn overlooking the loch. There's enough room for us to invite family and friends." He rubs his hands over his face, his cheeks flushing. "I keep having a dream where I see you walking down the aisle, petals under your feet, a crown of flowers on your head, your gown floating around you." He swallows hard.

My heart swells in my chest. "That's what we'll do then. The next question is when?"

They answer in unison: Autumn. Fall. October.

"A little over a year from now?" I ask, surprised they want to wait that long.

"Fuck, no," Jack says vehemently. "This October."

I balk. "That's barely three months away. I'm not even divorced yet!"

"Which brings us to the elephant in the room," Lach says grimly. "When's the court date?"

"Two weeks from now."

"Bloody hell, Charlie! When were you planning on telling us?"

"After this weekend?" I rub my palm over my sternum, trying to dissipate the anxiety lodged in my chest.

"What's wrong?" Jack asks, picking up on my mood. He sweeps my hair away from my face, caressing my cheek with the back of his finger.

"I'm worried Rob will be a complete asshole in court. I'm worried I'm going to flub it up with my parents. I don't know how to be truthful about us. They'll flip when they find out I'm with all three of you."

"What if we don't tell them? We can let them figure it out on their own, and then the ball will be in their court."

"Do you think that'll work?"

"If you're not explicitly telling them, you're not opening up yourself for immediate discussion. They'll have time to think about it before they say anything." He licks his lips. "Yeah, they could still get angry, but I think the chance of that happening will be less. Plus, they'll get to know us first."

"You say that like it's a good thing," Lach mutters, nervously shoving his hand through his hair.

"So, what – we all traipse into my parents' house and pretend to be friends?"

"Do you have a better idea?" Cam asks, looking at me like he hopes I have an ace in the hole.

I bite my lip, thinking of how to make this a little more palatable to my parents. "I can go a few days ahead of you guys and tell them you're coming on holiday and to help me move."

"You're sure you want to tell them you're moving before we're there?" Cam asks, worry in his eyes.

I take my time to think about it before answering. "I'm sure. Knowing them, they would think I'm being forced somehow. They need to know it's a decision I made alone, and that I'd still be moving even if the three of you weren't in the picture."

"You would?" He pushes his glasses up his nose, looking at me in surprise.