The cones are dripping before we even make it out of the store. We collapse onto the nearest bench, frantically licking before it runs down onto our hands.
"This isn't fucking helping anything." I watch the long strokes of their tongues, desperately wishing my pussy was getting the same attention.
"Wish it was you?" A smile pulls at Jack's lips and I have to look away as he drags his tongue around the cone.
"I thought you would be planning the wedding by now," he says out of the blue, licking a drop of ice cream from his thumb.
I freeze, taken aback by the abrupt change of subject.
"I guess I don't understand how it will work when I can legally only marry one of you."
"Which you need to do in case something happens," Lach chimes in. "We want to make sure you're taken care of."
"And the other two?"
"We'll have a handfast ceremony, Sassenach. We don't need a priest to tell us our bond is sacred. Hell, we don't even need a ceremony, but I've been having visions of you in a wedding dress since the day we met, and I'm not fucking giving that up."
"Let's finish this conversation over dinner tonight, Ann's waiting for us," Lach says, rising to his feet.
My pulse jumps. I'm not enjoying the surprise aspect of this – I would much rather know what I'm getting myself into.
"Will you please at least give me a hint?" I plead.
Cam's attention snaps to me when he hears my anxiety laced words. "There's absolutely nothing to worry about, little witch. I promise."
"I guess I'll just have to trust you," I say with defeat, standing and licking off my fingers. "Let's go, then."
Despite Cam's assurance, I can't help how my heartbeat ramps up with every block. The three of them pull me to a stop in front of a store with a pink neon sign in the window. Ann Summers.
"It's a store? I thought it was a person this whole time! One of you could have told me that!"
"Sorry, Carebear. I didn't want you looking it up and ruining the surprise."
"What surprise?"
Jack pulls open the mirrored door, and I glance inside, my jaw dropping.
"You brought me to a sex store?"
"Only the best sex store in the UK. Have you ever been to one?" Lach asks.
I step backward out of the door. The sheer number of colorful packages hanging on the walls is overwhelming, let alone the handful of people browsing. "Never."
"No, you don't." He grabs my hand and laces our fingers together, pulling me back through the doorway. "We've been using toys our entire relationship. It's time you picked out some of your own."
"But people will see us," I whisper, my cheeks burning.
"We won't ever see any of these people again," he assures me, tipping up my chin so I'm looking him in the eye. "Plus, everyone is shopping for the same thing. I guarantee you there will be no weird looks or judgments from anyone here."
"It's okay, Charlie. Even I've shopped here before." Cam gives me a reassuring smile, sliding his hands up my arms to my shoulders, digging his fingers into my tense muscles.
"Okay," I whisper, trusting them. "What exactly are we looking for?"
"Whatever your heart desires." Lach leads me over to the wall on our left. Dildos, nipple clamps, cock rings, vibrators, anal beads, fleshlights. It's all so fucking overwhelming.
"How do I know what I desire when I don't know what half of this stuff is or whether I'd like it or not?" I ask, looking between them, praying to the gods that one of them will take mercy on me and pick something they know I'd like.
"I know what I want," Jack says gruffly, pulling a pair of leather handcuffs from the wall.