Page 111 of Charlie


"Shhh." I press my finger to his lips, never wanting this moment to end. "Can we stay like this forever?"

"If I could go about life with my cock buried inside you twenty-four seven, it would make me the happiest man alive. Unfortunately for us, Pen expects us back at the pub in five minutes."

"Shit!" I unlock my legs, and he lowers me, ensuring I’m steady before releasing me. We wash up at the sink together, laughing as we shake ourselves dry before dressing. As I wobble on one leg, attempting to keep my balance as I dress, I realize he never even took his pants off. I want to feel his skin under my hands, explore the ridges of his muscles, taste the salt on his skin. My knees give out as an aftershock grips me.

Lach grabs me around the waist. "You okay?"

"Just thinking about finally getting my hands on you once we're back on the boat."

"Mmmm," he groans, capturing my mouth with his. "Maybe I'll ask Pen for some whipped cream and hot fudge to go."

I smile against his lips, my body thrumming and ready for round two. "Yes, please. Speaking of Pen..."

"Fuck! I swear to God, everything disappears when I'm with you. No obligations, no stress. Just you and me in our own little bubble."

A knock on the door brings us down to earth. "Are you two finished in there? I have to take a piss."

Lach and I stare at each other wide-eyed. I crack first, the giggles sneaking up on me. By the time we open the door, both of us are wiping at our eyes, gasping for breath.

Lach takes my hand and pulls me out of the bathroom. Four burly dudes look at me, their cheeks stained varying shades of pink.

"Sorry about that," Lach apologizes, stalling in the doorway, "we didn't realize we had company." Dead silence. "Well," Lach says, the silence becoming awkward, "If you need a great place to eat, the pub just up the way is excellent. We’re headed that way now if you want to join us. First beer is on me."

"Lach!" I hiss, absolutely mortified. I don't ever want to see these people again, and I especially don't want to drink a beer across a table from him.

"Gentlemen," I greet them, keeping my head high, "Hope your evening is as enjoyable as mine."

One of them snorts. "I highly doubt that, lass."

I grin and salute them as I follow Lach outside, slamming into his back when he stops short in the doorway, his eyes wide. "We forgot something in the bathroom!" he whispers, glancing over his shoulder when we hear the bathroom door close.

The vibrator. Fuck.

We’re frozen in the doorway, trying to figure out what to do, when the door swings open, and one of the guys comes out with a wad of paper towel cradled in his palm, the vibe nestled inside.

"I think you forgot something," he says, walking toward us like it’s an offering. "I debated not saying anything, but it looks expensive," he smiles, a dimple flashing through his beard.

I cover my cheeks with my hands as Lach takes it from him, slipping it into his pocket. "I know this just became infinitely more awkward, but you now know something that no one else knows, so we may as well get that beer together," Lach says with a self-deprecating laugh. "I’m Lach," he introduces himself, then steps to the side so they can see me. "This is my fiancée, Charlie. We just got engaged today," he beams. I wave awkwardly.

"Well, that explains a lot," a guy that looks like Paul Bunyan says.

"If only you knew how little that actually explains," I mutter.

"Oh, I do want to know," Paul Bunyon says, grabbing a bag by his feet and hoisting it onto his shoulder. "Lead the way."

"And your friends?" Lach asks, looking around the group.

"I don't know them," Paul Buyon says, shrugging. "We're the new crew for one of the boats. We met up at the docks, and then the captain pointed us back here to use the bathroom before figuring out where to get some food."

"What boat?" Lach asks, his shoulders stiffening.

"The Master Baiter," they say in unison.

I snort. "If you tell me the Master Baiter is Pen's boat, it will make my entire year."

"Did you say Pen? She was supposed to meet us, but I guess something came up," the quietest of the guys pipes in.