"She made this? Holy shit."
"I know, right? I told her she needs to enter it into some competitions."
"She should! I don't know anything about beer, but this is the best I've ever tasted."
"Tell her that before we leave. Maybe she’ll listen if it’s coming from you."
I nod and take another gulp, setting my glass down to find Lach staring at me, a weird look on his face.
"What?" I ask, wiping at my mouth, wondering if I have something on my face. I jerk in my seat as the vibe starts moving inside me, the hooked part circling my g-spot. I clutch the table, lifting my weight off the bench.
"Lach – fuck," I gasp, barely stopping myself from rocking my hips on the bench seat. "Turn it off," I beg, my voice strangled as I attempt to keep myself together.
Lach fumbles under the table and the silicone nestled against my clit starts vibrating. A startled moan forces its way out of my lips before I can stop it. "Lach, please," I groan.
"I hope you two are hungry!" Pen says, her arms laden with plates. I shoot a glare at Lach before smiling up at her. Lach jerks and I hear something fall on the floor under the table.
Oh my fucking God.
Lach widens his eyes, an apology in his gaze before turning to Pen. "This looks amazing, Pen. You really outdid yourself." He helps her find space on the table for all the plates while I desperately try to hang on to my sanity and not orgasm in front of his little sister.
"Let me know if you two need anything," Pen says, glancing at the table and making sure everything is perfect before she leaves us.
I slide my hand between my legs, pressing the vibe tighter to my body, well past the point of rational thought. Lach dives under the table, scrambling for the remote.
"God, I'm sorry, Charlie." He clicks it off just as the first spasm starts.
"Oh fuck," I whimper.
"No, you don't." Lach grabs ice from his glass of water and shoves it down the front of my shirt before I can block him.
The cold switches my brain into survival mode. "It's stuck in my bra!" I hiss, reaching down the front of my shirt to dislodge it. I sag against the back of the booth, panting. "I almost lost the bet," I say, licking my lips.
"Maybe I should have left it on?" His finger hovers over the button, contemplating.
"Don't you fucking dare," I hiss. "Unless you want me to cum – loudly – in the middle of the pub."
"That's a horrible argument, Charlie. I would love to see that," he says, his voice dropping an octave.
My jaw drops. "You're a dirty, dirty man, Lachlan."
"I never pretended to be anything different."
"True," I laugh, remembering how he encouraged my relationship with Jack. "You know, if it weren't for you, all of this would have turned out very differently."
"I think about that almost every day," he admits, "I was so scared you’d think I was a perv."
"As it turns out, I'm a perv, too," I laugh. "Who knew."
Iserve myself from the plates Pen set before us on the table.
"This is easily enough food for ten people," I grumble, wondering what’s going to happen to it if we don’t finish it.
"It won't go to waste, don't worry. Pen will take the leftovers to her neighbors."
"Her neighbors?" I ask, cutting the scallop with a fork before popping a piece in my mouth.