Iopen my eyes a fraction, my vision foggy with sleep, trying to figure out what had woken me up.
Thump, thump, thump.
I rub my eyes and stumble to the front door, cracking it just enough to see who's outside.
"Morning, Charlie!" Isla's smile is way too bright for this early in the morning.
"Morning," I mumble, hoping she'll be quick so I can go back to bed.
"Breakfast is ready," she says. "I tried to text, but you didn't answer?—"
"Did you think I would let you sit by yourself in this tiny cold cottage?" She fists her hands on her hips.
She scoffs, reaching through the door to grab my jacket off the peg. "Arms in." She holds it out so I can slip my arms in.
I follow her to the house, unsure how I feel about the situation. I'm not used to this type of friendship.
I decide I'm one hundred percent okay with it the second I walk through their front door and smell the coffee. The house is big, but it's decorated in a way that makes it feel cozy. Shelves filled with books and trinkets cover the walls. Rugs are strewn across the scarred wood floor. Milo bounds up to me, spinning in circles before sitting at my feet. I croon to him and scratch his ears before following Isla into the kitchen. Lachlan is there, clad in only an apron and boxers.
"Morning, love." He winks at me. "Sorry for the lack of dress; someone didn't tell me she was going to fetch you."
"Don't lie," Isla pouted. "You just wanted her to see your muscles."
"I don't mind," I smile, biting my lip.
He clears his throat when he sees me ogling his ass.
I laugh, "You do have nice muscles, Lachlan." I shrug like it isn't a big deal.
"Oh, stop it! His ego is already big enough." Isla flops into a chair, motioning for me to sit. "Lachlan, will you get us coffee, please?"
"Anything for you, Princess." He rolls his eyes at the back of her head.
"Do you have plans today?" Isla asks me, taking a mug from Lachlan.
"Not really. I was planning to start on my research, but that's flexible."
"Good, it's settled then."
"What's settled?" I ask as Lachlan sets a platter of eggs, salmon, and potatoes on the table. It smells heavenly.
"We're going shopping."
"Shopping?" My empty pockets cry.
"Jay's throwing a party in a couple of days; we need to get all the stuff for it. It will be boring with just Lachlan, so please come with us." She looked at me with big doe eyes, blinking several times slowly.
"Okay," I laugh, spearing a potato and blowing on it before popping it in my mouth. Isla grins, bouncing in her seat, her gigantic bun flopping around her head. "What kind of party is it?"
"It's a masquerade ball!" Isla breathes, practically swooning. "It's the best night of the year, you'll see."
"That's a big claim when I'm usually not the type of person that likes parties."
Isla looks personally affronted, but before she can say anything, Lachlan butts in, "So tell us, then, Charlie," Lachlan begins, taking off his apron. "Who are you?" I make sure to keep my eyes above his chin this time.