"There's no way I have a round two in me," Cam says, looking between us. "I'm going back to the house to shower and scrounge up some food." I reach up to him, pulling him down for a kiss before slapping him on the ass, yelling after him how much I love him.
"You look so fucking good with our cum dripping out of you," Lach says finally, sliding his thumb through it, and pushing it back inside. Jack comes and stands over his shoulder, his eyes dark.
"Whatever the two of you want to do, just do it," I chuckle. In the blink of an eye, I'm sitting on Jack's face. Lach straddles Jack's torso and pushes me forward so I'm supporting myself with my hands.
"This is what we want," Jack growls against my pussy, dipping his tongue into me. Lach spreads my ass cheeks, sliding his thumb in Cam's cum before getting in the same position as me to eat out my ass. God, this is so dirty. I should hate it. Make him stop. But I only push back, wanting more, greedy for every swipe of their tongues. Lach groans behind me and shifts his body back. I look underneath my arm as he pushes forward, Jack’s cock dragging along his, both of them still hard as a rock. I stay in that position, watching what their bodies are doing as they feast on me. A wave of need grips me as Lach pulses forward enough for Jack's cock to catch on his ass, and then it slips between his cheeks as he pushes back, sliding along his crack. Jack groans beneath me, the sound vibrating against my clit, stoking the fire higher. I scramble to turn around to face Lach, moaning as Jack pulls me back down, fitting his mouth over my clit.
Lach sits up straight, letting Jack slide his cock up and down, precum dripping onto Jack’s abdomen. I grab the lube and hand it to Lach, trembling hands squirting it over his ass and Jack's cock. If I weren't so fucking turned on, I would have laughed at the mess he made. I can tell the exact moment the head of Jack's cock slides over Lach's back entrance – the held breath, the need, the hope. And then it happens. Jack's cock doesn't slide past this time, it catches on the rim, and time seems to stop. After a moment of hesitation, Jack angles his hips and thrusts up, impaling Lach, their broken moans melding together. I'm already coming as I lean forward, grinding on Jack's face as I take Lach's cock in my mouth. One more thrust, one more sweep of my tongue and Lach’s cum is filling my throat, his ass strangling Jack's cock, both of them coming together. We collapse against each other, breathing hard, Lach's low chuckle chasing goosebumps over my body.
I swing my leg over Jack's face, collapsing to the blanket, trying to catch my breath. I hear clapping and glance over to see Cam grinning as he picks up the phone he must have forgotten. He drops to his knees beside Lach, kissing him hard, then turns to Jack and claps him on the shoulder.
"I'm proud of both of you," he says, angelic eyes flitting between them. "Now, let's go to bed, so we can wake up and do this all over again – every day for the rest of our lives." He helps the guys up, wraps me in a blanket, and swings me into his arms, kissing me softly. "Let's go home, Charlie."
The End
The sun-warmed balustrade is rough under my fingertips as I trace circles on its time-worn surface. Orange leaves glow in the sunlight as they swirl in the breeze coming off the loch. I sit down on the top step, pulling my bare feet close to my body. I could look out over this view forever, though admittedly, today it's looking a little different with all the people running around like little ants. True to her word, Isla has taken care of everything. She showed me a ton of pictures, had me pick my favorites, and then took it from there. I couldn’t be more thankful to have her carry the burden of decision-making while I settle into my new life.
I squint into the morning light, shading my eyes. Isla is hauling stacks of chairs into the field, a guy from the rental company huffing and puffing behind her. She sees me as I stand to grab my shoes and gives me a stern look.
"Don't you dare," she shouts. "If you want to help, grab the baskets by the door and collect moss from the woods." I gape at her. "I'm serious, Charlie. I have everything else covered."
"Okay, okay!" I throw up my hands in surrender. "Just promise to tell me if you get into a bind and need help."
"Don't forget about your makeup and hair consultation—" she glances at her watch, "—in three and a half hours."
"I won't. Setting an alarm now." I pull my phone out of my pocket and set a second alarm in case I miss the one I set a week and a half ago. I run inside, shove my feet in my barn boots, and grab the two gigantic baskets by the door. The grass tickles the backs of my knees as I trudge through the orchard and into the thick canopy of the towering trees. Everything here is muted and other-worldly, and it has quickly become my favorite place on the estate. Isla didn't tell me where she's planning to have the ceremony, but I secretly hope it's right here. Under these old-growth trees that have seen generations of love and heartache pass beneath their boughs. Trees that belong to the man I will soon share a last name with. Legally marrying Jack was the easiest decision any of us have ever made. We all agreed that the estate would eventually need a new generation to care for its ancient walls, plow its fields, and tell its story. All four of us wrote each other into our wills, doing more to cement our importance to each other than a marriage license ever will.
I spin on my heel, my heart in my throat. "Arty!" I drop my baskets and run to him, hugging him tight before leading him to a tall stump to rest his legs. "What are you doing all the way out here?"
"Nice to see you, too, lass," he chuckles, his eyes sparkling.
"I didn't mean?—"
"The Scottish air is good for me. My bones felt younger the second I stepped off the plane. I'm not quite sure why I ever left."
"Arty. If you love it so much, stay. There is plenty of room, and I would be overjoyed to see your smiling face every day."
"I couldn't possibly impose on newlyweds." He pats my hand and closes his eyes, taking a deep breath of the pine-scented air.
"It's not an imposition if you're invited." I crouch in front of him, taking both of his hands in mine. "Thank you for coming, Arty. It means the world to me that you'll be performing the ceremony for us."
"Thank you, Charlie. I haven't had this much excitement in years."
Isla takes time out of her hectic schedule for the test run of my hair and makeup. I let her take the reins, and the result is stunning. My lips are a dark nude, putting all the attention on my smokey copper eyes that make the blue of my irises pop. The stylist pulled my hair off my neck, letting soft curls fall around my face.
"You’re fucking perfect." Isla grins, taking out her phone and snapping a few pictures. "Your job for the rest of the day is to have a couple of glasses of wine and relax. Got it? Dinner will be here at eight and then we'll go over last-minute details with everyone. Have you heard from your parents yet?"
I collapse onto the couch, staring up at the ceiling. "No. The last time I talked to my dad, he said he was coming with or without my mom. At this point, I don't even know if I want her there."
"You'll have an amazing day either way, Charlie." Isla grabs my phone, connects it with the speaker, and plays my favorite playlist. "Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can. I doubt you'll get much time to yourself during the honeymoon."
I sit up, my heart pounding. "What honeymoon?"