Page 185 of Charlie

"How did you stand being around those people for your entire life, Charlie?" Empathy laces Cam’s words, his brows drawn together, face stark in the moonlight streaming through the windshield.

"I never knew it could be different, I say softly, taking a deep breath, forcing my body to release the adrenaline. "Where are we going?"

"Lach is figuring that out. We can take the next few days to relax, then return for the trial and to pack up your stuff. That way, we're spending the least amount of time there as possible."

"That sounds perfect," I say, trying to ignore Rob's words ringing through my head.

"They never deserved you." Jack’s voice is rough, his hand snaking through the seats to squeeze my arm.

"I know," I half laugh, half sob. "I wish I had realized earlier. I wasted so much of my life thinking I was the problem. That I was the one lacking something. That I deserved everything meted out to me. Karma and all that."

"Yeah, well, look where karma brought you, Carebear. I promise you'll never be mistreated again."

His words are a balm to my soul. "Thank you, guys. For everything. I don't know what I would have done if?—"

"There is no if." Cam looks over at me, his eyes black in the dim light of the car. "We're here, and we're not leaving."

"We have a few options," Lach says, smoothly turning the conversation away from what could have been to the present. "We're within driving distance of New York City, Boston, and most major cities in the northeast. There are also some rentals in more remote areas."

"Remote sounds nice." Me and the guys. Nature. Nothing else. Just what I need after the disaster of the last twelve hours.

"There's a treehouse, an earth ship..." he trails off as he scrolls through the app, his brow creased in concentration. "There's a cute little cabin in the Finger Lakes. It's not anything special, but it's private and cozy. Perfect to unwind." He turns the phone, showing me and Jack. I can't deny that it looks idyllic. A tiny log cabin nestled among towering pines, the scene mirrored in a glass lake.

"Looks pretty damn perfect to me," I say, knowing that no matter where we end up, spending two uninterrupted days with my men will be unforgettable.

"It has a boat!" Lach blurts, excitement making his voice rise.

"Sold," I say quickly, scenes of my time with Lach on his yacht flooding my mind.

A couple of hours later, we're pulling into the dirt driveway of the cabin, the sounds of the nighttime forest deafening when Cam cuts the engine.

"I don't think I'll ever get over how many trees there are here," Jack marvels, unfolding himself from the car and gazing at the shadowed pine trees overhead. "When we get back home, I want to plant forests. Get the estate back to what it would have looked like when my ancestors chose to make it their home."

Lach punches a code into the door, the heavy wooden plank swinging open noiselessly. He fumbles for a light switch, the room flooding with light.

"This is beautiful," I gasp, looking at the ceiling soaring above us and the thick wooden beams crisscrossing the space.

"Wait until the morning. If it's anything like the pictures, the outside will be a million times better than in." Lach smiles, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Why don't you get settled and decompress? I'm going to go find a store and grab some essentials."

"I'll go with," Cam says, pressing his lips to mine before following Lach outside. Jack waits until the crunch of gravel under fades away and then draws me into his arms, tucking my head beneath his chin.

"I wish you had told me, Charlotte."

I squeeze my arms around his neck, my lips moving against his throat. "I'm being sincere when I say I don't think about any of it when I'm with the three of you. You force me to be present, which is the greatest gift you could give me."

He wraps my hair around his fingers and tugs, pulling my head back so he can look me in the eyes. "You’re the best thing that's ever happened to me, Sassenach. I won't ever let you forget that."

His lips coasting over mine ignite an insatiable need that burns hot and fast. He pulls my bottom lip into his mouth, greedy for my moan as I open for him, our tongues warring for dominance. Rough callouses scrape over my back as he pushes his hands under my shirt, his thumbs sliding over the sides of my breasts, making me squirm.

"I've been thinking about doing this all day," he groans, pulling me closer, fitting his body against mine like a missing puzzle piece. I'll never understand how each of them feels so right. Being in Jack's arms makes me feel safe; the Robs and Bethanys of the world can't touch me when he's around. I surrender to him, exposing my neck to his lips, clutching his shoulders for dear life. He scoops me into his arms and walks into the bedroom, tossing me on the bed and stripping off my pants with one smooth motion.

"I'll be right back," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the inside of my thighs before turning and striding out of the bedroom. Thirty seconds later, he's back with a length of rope in his hands.

My laugh is choked with desire. "Where did you find that?"

"I was incredibly hopeful when I packed. I've been thinking of doing this for weeks, and I didn't want to miss out if the chance presented itself." His eyes darken, his gaze tracing my body, desire darkening the color in his cheeks. He unbuttons his shirt slowly, sliding it over his shoulders before working at his belt.

I watch him. His thick, nimble fingers. His whisky eyes. The way he keeps looking at me like he’s making sure I’m real. I would do anything for this man.