And there it is. "Jana's pervy son would have hired me for my non-existent skills." She's always been like this. Refusing to acknowledge the fact that I ran two successful businesses and that someone may think those skills are valuable.
"You're making a mistake, Charlotte. Who will be there to save you when you fall? Or will we be paying for your plane ticket to get you back home? Coming to the rescue like we always do?"
"You came to my rescue one time. Once. And it's because the guy you pushed me to marry before I was ready cheated on me with my best friend." I pull out my phone and send the guys my locations with an SOS message.
"Don't you dare blame that on me." She stops talking, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring daggers at me, when my dad comes out and then pulls me in for a hug.
"Daddy, I missed you." I breathe in his cologne, the scent bringing me back to my childhood.
"She got a job in Scotland," my mom says, a bite to her tone.
"What!" He holds me by the shoulders, beaming. "Congratulations, Charlie! What will you be doing?"
"Marketing for an estate on the Isle of Harris. They're in the beginning stages of opening it up to the public."
"That sounds like a dream. I'm so proud of you, sweetie."
I cringe as I hear a car pull up behind me, the guys’ voices audible before they even open the door. When I texted them, I thought I would already be in the pool house, safely away from my mother. My stomach drops.
"Mom, Dad—" I don't get a chance to make introductions before the guys are by my side, extending their hands, introducing themselves.
"We're here to help Charlotte move," Jack says in response to their puzzled expressions.
"How do you know Charlotte?" my mom asks, her gaze taking in my flushed cheeks and how they're standing around me protectively.
"Jack is the owner of the estate," I explain quickly before one of them can jump in.
"Your future employer came to help you move?" my dad asks, his eyebrows almost touching his hairline.
"All four of us became very good friends over the last three months, Mr. Haines," Cam says, disarming them with his smile. "Charlie even helped me out at my parents' bookstore for a couple of weekends over the summer."
My mom clamps her mouth shut, looking suspiciously between me and the guys. I know what she's thinking, and I choose my peace, their presence giving me courage.
"I’d like to ask if they can stay in the pool house. They'll sleep in the bunk room. We'll be out of your hair as soon as court is over." I hold my breath, dreading the answer.
"You want them to sleep in the pool house with you? That's incredibly inappropriate, Charlotte. Do you know how that will look?" my mom asks, her face a disarming shade of scarlet.
"That she has some great friends that care enough about her to come to help her through her divorce?" Jack asks, his brogue making her flush. "Or did you mean something else?" He raises an eyebrow, waiting for her answer.
"I like you," my dad says, patting Jack on the shoulder. "Of course, they can stay in the pool house, sweetheart. You can all sleep in the same bed for all I care." He winks at me, not realizing the truth behind what he's saying. Heat creeps into my cheeks.
"Michael! Don't give her any ideas! You know how she is."
Lach steps forward, his hands balled at his sides. "How is she, Mrs. Haines? I'm dying to know."
She scowls, refusing to answer his question.
"You're implying she enjoys herself in the bedroom, but wasn't Rob the only person she's been with until this summer?"
"Until this summer?" she echoes, looking at me wide-eyed.
Lach’s laugh teeters on maniacal as he turns away from her. "Lead the way, Carebear."
Once we're safely in the pool house, I close the door behind us and sag against it, letting my head drop back against the glass. Why did I come back?
"You never told us she was like that," Lach says, pulling me into a hug, his lips warm against my neck.
"She's a product of her parents. How can I be mad when that's all she knows?"