He hums appreciatively, the sound low and sexy. "Perhaps some role-play is in order when we get back?" He raises an eyebrow, dragging his gaze over my body, pausing to watch my nipples react to his words. I'm thrown against Jack as the plane speeds up, my fingers digging into his legs like talons. He continues reading.
I jog up the steps, not giving myself time to change my mind. I expect someone to be inside the door, but nobody's there. I close the door softly, setting my bag down on the elegant black and white tile. The house looks like the owner is in the process of moving in, boxes stacked along the empty walls.
"In here."
I follow the voice across the foyer and down a stark hallway, looking through the doorway to the right. There's a man with his back to me at the largest stove I've ever seen, an apron tied around his waist, boxer briefs his only article of clothing. He has grill plates over the flames, carefully turning two steaks to get the perfect grill marks. I clear my throat, but he is either ignoring me or the sizzle from the steaks and the industrial fan over the stove are making too much noise.
"Hello!" I try again, a little too loud this time.
He jumps, but doesn’t turn right away, taking time to compose himself. He sets the tongs down before turning to face me. My heart stops.
"Eli? What are you doing here?" His lips twitch, but he doesn't say anything, waiting for my brain to catch up. "YOU bid on me?"
"Why the hell did you do that Lainey? What if some pervert had won and kidnapped you or worse?" His jaw ticks as he tries to keep his temper under control.
"I needed the money, Eli. I'm sure you figured that one out. All of the bidders were vetted. I would have been safe."
"Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped."
"I don't want a handout, Eli."
"But you'll sell your virginity? Do you know how fucking pissed off that made me? I almost came in person just to drag you off that goddamned stage. The thought of some guy you've never met taking your... fuck, Lainey."
"I'm not doing this. I won't debate with one of the richest guys in New York about why I sold my virginity so I can go to graduate school. It's my body, Eli. I get to do what I want with it." I spin on my heel and walk back down the hallway, slinging my bag over my shoulder. I'm pulling open the door when his palm flattens against the wood, holding it closed.
"Don't leave. At least eat dinner first."
I turn, our faces only inches apart, so close I can count the brown flecks in his green irises. "What do you want from me?"
"Nothing," he says, lines bracketing his mouth, a tortured look in his eyes.
"Is that the truth, Eli Parker?" My heartbeat ticks up as his gaze dips to my mouth. Eli. My brother's best friend. The guy I've had a crush on for my entire life.
"You want the truth?" He places his other hand on the door, boxing me in. "The truth is I couldn't stand the thought of someone else being your first. You deserve a man that will give you the world, Lainey girl. One that will get you there before he does every goddamned time. One that will show you what making love should be like so you don't settle for less."
My entire body ignites, his words sweeping over my skin like wildfire. "And who will do that for me, Eli?"
"Me, Lainey. Please." He drops to his knees in front of me. This six-foot-four giant of a man that created his own company at eighteen and sold it for millions at twenty, this man that could have any girl he wants, is on his knees in front of me, asking to be my first.
"What about Michael?" My brother will not be happy about this. I can't even count the number of times he's told me to leave Eli alone.
"Let me worry about Michael." He takes my hands in his, sweeping his thumbs over the delicate skin of my wrists. "Let me give you this, Lainey."
Am I insane for considering his proposal? Haven't I always dreamed of my first time being with him? "Okay," I whisper, swallowing hard.
"Is that a yes?" His hands move to my waist, his fingers sweeping over the small of my back.
He growls, moisture flooding between my legs in response. He pulls me to him, his nose just above my pubic bone, and inhales.
"Do you know how long I've wanted this?" he rasps, his voice muffled against my skirt.
The seatbelt light goes off, and I loosen my grip on Jack's leg. "Better?" he asks, dipping his head to look at me, his hair tickling my cheek. "Better," I nod.
"Don't fucking stop now!" Lach protests. "If I had known there were books like this, I would have started reading novels a long time ago."