Page 5 of Jason

“No, you are the only person I have ever had sex with. But I will never have sex with you again.” I pushed him away with all my might and stormed out of the house, leaving my stuff.

I’ve never seen Craig act like that before. I was so scared of him. My hands were still shaking even as I drove away from his house. My heart feels like it may just jump out of my chest, and I need to calm my breathing before I get back to Darius’s place. I have to ask him to help me get my stuff. I want to get my things and be done with Craig for good. Darius was surprised to see me back so soon.

Before he could say anything, I asked him, “Have you talked to Jason since everything went down?”

He shook his head admitting he hadn’t. “Jason did try to reach out, but I didn’t respond to him.”

“You should talk to Jason because I need you both to go with me to pack up my things. Craig was acting crazy, and I don’t want to be alone with him.”

I asked Darius if he talked to Jason since everything went down. He admitted he hadn’t, but Jason did try to reach out. I told him that he should talk to Jason because I needed them to go with me to pack and pick up my stuff because Craig was acting crazy.

When Darius pushed for details, I wouldn’t tell him. I knew if I did, he would really hurt Craig, and I refused to have my brother in trouble because of a stupid guy. Darius told me he would call some of his other friends to help them. I told him the more the merrier, but I would be calling Jason to help because I wanted him to help me. I walked away before he could argue with me.

I called Jason, and he picked up on the first ring.

“I know I said I would reach out after the divorce, but I need a favor.”

“What do you need?” His husky, deep voice sent a shiver of delight down my spine. I hadn’t heard from him, and I know it was because I asked for the space.

“I need you to come with me to pack and get my things to help me move,” I explained. “I don’t want to be alone with Craig; he is crazy. Darius will be there and some of y’all’s other friends as well.”

“Of course, I will help you. But what did Craig do to make you say that? Did he try to hurt you?”

“I would rather not say because I know how you and Darius are. I will be by to pick you up in five minutes.”

I told Darius I was going to pick up Jason and would meet him and the guys at Craig’s place. I left to pick up Jason and he quickly got in the U-Haul. He asked me again what Craig did, but I ignored him, and drove to my old house. I couldn’t focus on what happened with Craig. I just want to get my things.

When we arrived, Craig was standing at the door saying only I could come in. He had this crazy look in his eyes. Even though he was surrounded by my brother’s friends, he still wouldn’t move away from the door.

“I could call the cops and they would let us all in. How would that look for a gospel singer once word got out? The whole world already knows about your affair. Do you want them to know that you’re making it hard for me to move out, too?”

He let us in, and we packed my things in silence. It was so much tension between Craig, Darius, and Jason. I’m sure one wrong word out of any of their mouths would start a fight between them. All the other guys just asked what goes in what box and within a couple of hours, we had packed it all up and moved it to my new place. We all went back to Darius’s place, and I ordered everybody pizza for helping. I saw all the guys laughing and talking, even Jason, which I was so glad about. I knew they could go back to being friends.



Imissed talking to and seeing Dawn. I was so glad to hear from her and help her with moving. I didn’t like that the last time I saw her, she was kissing that asshole, Craig.

He smirked at me while kissing her.

I knew then he somehow knew about us. I just figured she told him about the divorce as soon as he came home. But no, he had to be the asshole and try to out her in front of everyone. She was so heartbroken, and I really wanted to hold her to make sure she was fine, but I was trying to make sure Darius didn’t hit me. He had one rule when we became friends and that was to stay away from his baby sister romantically.

At first, that was easy for our friend group, but as we all got older and realized how wonderful his sister was, it became hard to follow the rule. I remember when we were teenagers and one of the guys said he was going to ask Dawn out for ice cream, Darius got so mad we had to hold him back from beating the guy up. Darius told the guy that his sister was not a plaything, and he was no longer allowed to speak to us or his sister.

The guy was a playboy, though, and we all knew it. I decided that day to hide my feelings for her, and I hated it when she started dating Craig.

I thought my feelings for her would go away after she got married, but they didn’t. I knew he wasn’t good for her, but she said she loved him, so I had to sit by and watch as he alienated her from her friends and made her stay home. The more he stayed away from home while touring, the closer we became.

At first, I would just talk to her when she was around Darius, but I worked up the courage to give her my number. I told her to contact me if she needed a friend to talk to or just someone to listen to her vent. She was hesitant at first because she knew about Darius’s rule, but she realized she needed a friend to discuss things about Craig that she didn’t want Darius to know about. I told her I could be that friend and what we discussed would stay between us unless it was a life-or-death situation.

Soon, I became her confidant, and I was really happy when she told me she liked spending time with me. I wanted to kill Craig when she called me crying and asking if I could come over as soon as possible.

I’d rushed to her house, and I could tell she had been crying all night and day. I was heartbroken once I saw her. As soon as she opened the door, she rushed into my arms, and I held her while she cried. I carried her into her living room and held her.

She’d finally stopped crying and said, “The bastard is cheating on me.”

I was stunned. “Didn’t he just leave for his tour?”