Page 29 of Jason

I went for a simple look because I knew Jason would tear it off me as soon as we were alone. Plus, it complimented my great boobs. We both agreed to not have sex for at least two weeks before we got married. I don’t even know why I thought of that because I almost gave in the first night. I even pouted because he reminded me of the deal we agreed to.

It became hard to not want to have sex with him since I’m horny all the time and we have our own place now since we bought us a bigger house for our growing family. He and Jack are so excited that we are having a boy. Jason says he wants to have at least three more kids. I told him we would see.

Mary came to see me and started to cry. She still looked young even with her black curls that complimented her light skin tone and grey dress. “Please stop crying. The more you cry, the more I want to cry, and I will ruin my makeup before the ceremony.”

She blinked back tears and said, “I’m so happy for my son. You are the perfect daughter. She put her hand on my stomach and whispered, “We love you, little bean.”

Little bean is the nickname they have given my baby, and he seems to like it. When they rub my stomach and say it, he moves ever so softly.

Jack knocked on the door, asking if I was ready. He looked handsome in his three-piece black suit with a grey tie.

I nodded, inviting him in.

He has decided to walk me down the aisle since my brother is the best man. He wanted to walk me too, but I told him that being the best man meant he needed to stay by Jason’s side, so if he decided to run away at the last minute, he could knock some sense into him. He knew I was joking.

I linked my arm with Jack as we made our way to the ballroom.

He said, “Thank you for loving my son.”

I smiled at him and braced myself to walk down the aisle.

Once I stepped into the ballroom, all eyes were on me, but I only stared at those beautiful hazel orbs staring back at me. When I made it in front of him, I saw the unshed tears in the corner of his eyes. We smiled at each other, and he grabbed my hands. I stared at him the entire time and blocked out all the other guests. I honestly don’t know what the priest said until it was time to recite our vows.

Then when he said, “You may kiss the bride,” Jason pulled me to him and kissed me with all his might.

When we broke apart, everyone was cheering, and we were gasping for air. We made our way to the reception hall, and the DJ announced Mr. and Mrs. Jason D’Angelo.

I joked with Jason that my name would be Dawn D’Angelo and my initials are DD now, kind of like my breasts. He didn’t like the joke because he didn’t want anybody to think about my breasts. We walked inside the hall and danced to our first song.

Jason held me close and huskily said, “I want to rip that dress off you so bad right now. It has been a very long two weeks without being inside of you, baby.”

I blushed and rubbed my hands on the back of his neck. I couldn’t wait either and I have half of mind to go get a quickie while everyone is dancing during the reception. I asked him did he want to and his whole face lit up with the thought of having a quickie.

Our first dance ended, and we danced with his parents. I danced with Jack while he danced with Mary. Then I danced with my brother while Jason watched us.

After the song ended, I went to go sit down because the heels were killing my feet. My brother made a toast, then other people followed.

After the toast and food, Jason told me that Jack said some people wanted to meet me. Jason had already told me about some of these mafia families and who they were. I was really trying to remember their names, but it was getting harder the more we were introduced to them.

One of the mafia bosses named Alexandro asked me to dance. I looked at Jason and he nodded, letting me know he would be okay with it.

Apparently, he is the same age as Jason and me. Jason has known him for a long time. We went out to the dance floor, and he told me he just took over because his dad retired, and he couldn’t wait for Jason to take over so they could discuss business. I really didn’t want to hear this because I already told Jason I wouldn’t be hands-on with his business at all. I would be like Mary and make sure our children had a decent childhood that didn’t revolve around the business only.

Alexandro said, “I’m quite impressed with you, Mrs. Dawn. I heard how you killed two guys with no remorse. My type of woman.”

He tried to kiss my hand, but I pulled away slightly. I slightly shivered as I felt very uncomfortable with him and was glad someone else came along to dance with me.

I had essentially danced with all the bosses, and most of them were nice—well, nice for today, anyway. I would have to tell Jason about Alexandro though because he made me very uncomfortable, and he shouldn’t have known about what I did.

I was glad it was time to cut the cake so I could stop dancing. After we smashed some cake in our faces, we went back to our table.

I grabbed Jason’s hand and whispered in his ear, “I really would like that quickie now.”

He took my hand, we went back to my dressing room, and as soon as he shut and locked the door, his mouth was on mine.

I asked, “What if someone saw us?”

“I don’t care,” he breathed.